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    1. duckduck

      October Blogpost

      Hello everyone - welcome to this month’s blogpost! Network Updates Summer is over and fall is here, and that means it will get spookier not just in real life, but here on havoc as well! Be on the look out for some spooky changes this month🍁👻 Gamemode Updates The Mining Dead Last month, we’ve...
    2. duckduck

      August Blogpost

      Hello everyone, welcome to this month’s blogpost! We’ve worked on quite a few things during last month, so let’s get right into it! Network Updates As mentioned in the last blog post, we’re changing a few things on our discord server. These changes will be mostly of cosmetic nature, with the...
    3. duckduck

      June Blogpost

      Hello everyone! Starting this month, we’ll be posting monthly forum posts that will keep the community up-to-date about recent or upcoming changes to the Havoc Games Network. Have fun reading! Network Updates Max and I have been promoted from CTA Game Managers to (Network) Managers. This means...