• IP Copied!
  • HarleyRox2010

    I'm known as Harley to most people. I'm 16 and male.
    I roleplay on tmd_4 and I always say anyone is welcome to come roleplay also. I do live in Ireland so it makes it difficult at times since all my friends so far live on the US.
    So at any time you can pop down on tmd_4 and roleplay with me and my friends.
    But if you a person who dislikes us roleplayers please just back off and don't say something you'll regret later.
    Also if you do want to roleplay please don't make it extremely stupid like your an alien or something. We have enough of that as it is. I'm just too kind of person to just say to stop and change what they have done for so long and so much time into doing.
    I don't know if you have any questions or concerns about the roleplay but just ask if you see me on. I can be found most days at 8:00 or so eastern time. Also to new people I can help with gear if you need it.
    I DO NOT HAVE A RANK ON THIS SERVER. Just putting g that out there.
    Gamer tag : HarleyRox2010.
    Feb 12, 2001 (Age: 23)

