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    1. Broquu

      July Blogpost

      We understand there will be QoL updated but do you even play tmd?? one base is simply not enough
    2. Broquu

      July Blogpost

      I dont think limiting to 1 base is fair, most people have to use up to 3 bases atleast. I understand that you want to put a limit on this but one is simply too low, I think a better alternative is limiting to 3 or 4 bases owned and multiple added ofcourse, and also add maybe like another 20...
    3. Broquu

      tmd resets

      I think there should be more resets on tmd, as an eu tmd player i notice there is lagg quite often on tmd especially in the morning for eu, so i suggest there to be more preplanned server resets on The Mining Dead since after the server restart the lagg seems to be gone most of the time, this...