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    1. S

      Tmd Dieing?

      Hello I am making this thread because from the looks of tmd (kind of obvious) it is dying, I know a lot of big players have quit tmd and that hurts havoc a lot, and since the reset there has been so many random's and a lot of player are inactive so I'm just making a prediction that havoc will...
    2. S

      should i quit?

      Hello and I have not been on tmd lately and that is because I am thinking about quitting, because there is to many bugs, if things don't get better soon I am going to quit tmd (fyi I wish that they would bring the original map back I miss it) and in my opinion the owners should have left the...
    3. S

      Why is Jahango not banned yet.

      So I am making this thread because I'm getting sick and tired of jahango always abusing glitches, everytime I'm in a war I always see him useing glitches, and don't ever get me started on him constantly useing macros, and not to mention he is extremely privlaged which is bullcrap he does nothing...
    4. S

      Hell night spectate

      Hello I am making this thread because in HN's when you die you are only be able to spectate for like 5 seconds, and in my opinion we should be able to spectate for the rest of the game but if you want to leave there should be a option to leave, thank you for taking the time to read this.
    5. S

      TMD Classic

      I have thought of this for a while, and I thought I would share this idea. So I think there should be a TMD Classic where there is everything before the reset, like old map, and the no inf cap, no painkiller cooldown and everything from op. so I thought I would just share my idea. P.S. I still...
    6. S

      Unlimated money being limited

      I am making this thread because of the 100k per day with unlimated, I dont understand y this is happening. If any staff could respond to this that would be helpful. and to be honest I hate this part of the update, as well with many other players
    7. S

      The suspense is killing me

      ok this is bugging me about the reset _nickk told everyone in tmd 1 a few days ago that the reset would be on the 23 (today) in the morning, but what time in the morning its killing me.
    8. S

      Server reset

      i am making this thread regarding the reset, I am just curious of when the exact date will be released.
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      Unlimated money

      why is it when I buy $100 irl money worth of legend crates I don't get unlimated. But when a survivor buys 1 legend crate he gets unlimated.
    10. S


      hi I have created this thread because of team I have been wandering when the teams will be back up, thank u and I am looking forward to your response.