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    1. G

      Good job

      So I have been watching TWD (plz no spoilers) and when I play TMD everything is detailed and looks exactly like in the show, take the cdc, from the outside with the tanks It looks just like in the show, and thats not all, hilltop looks awesome and alexandria is probably the one that looks most...
    2. G

      Camo crates

      this isn't about the update i'm just wondering is there any other way to get camo crates without paying real money or watching ads?
    3. G

      THANK YOU HAVOCMC and 1 mil giveaway

      Recently I got infinite money from my monthly chest and I am going to be giving away 1 million money and possibly a golden barret at 10:00 A.M on Saturday on the 8th of April at the berxley SZ. All you have to do to qualify is post your In Game Username and pick a number between 1-100 that...