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    1. egmp1

      Helicopter on TWD? S9, E2

      Who else saw that helicopter on Season 9 Episode 2 "The Bridge". Anne was on her watch late at night, then the audience viewing the episode can start to hear a helicopter propeller, it gets closer roughly for about 4-7 seconds, then she looks up and we notice a helicopter with a light, it stays...
    2. egmp1

      Way to Download TMD Map?

      I was wondering if there was a way i can download the tmd map because I want to explore on creative. thanks
    3. egmp1


      Guess what guys! Someone has a new weapon, AWM (Tier 5). I'm not saying their username so you guys dont go spam him to buy it, he won't sell it no matter what. What do you guys think? Will it be released soon or not? LEAKED BY: Caloriees LEAKED BY: Caloriees LEAKED BY: Caloriees
    4. egmp1

      If Kim Jong Un played TMD - Would he get banned? (THIS WAS A JOKE LOL)

      Answer this honestly and don't take it as a joke. Ok, y'all might be thinking, "what the hell is this kid thinking" First of all, this was a random thought that came straight out of my head. If you don't know who Kim Jong Un is, well no worries, click here What If he wanted to play Minecraft...
    5. egmp1

      Share A Life Story!

      Hi, I decided to make this thread because I wanted to share a small true story. Feel free to share as many stories as you want and if you don't to its fine. Thanks ;)...
    6. egmp1

      Who's your favorite Music Artist?

      General Discussion > Who's your favorite Music Artist? You can list more artists if you want. It'd be nice if you can say an album you like!
    7. egmp1

      How To Get Golden Katana - Tutorial

      Hello everyone, hope you’re having a great day :D Now I’m going to waste time typing other stuff. If you want to get a Golden Katana, Here are some things you need to know. It is not visible to other players You can’t trade it or else it disappears. If you go in your inventory and try to move...
    8. egmp1

      Golden Katana

    9. egmp1

      TPA/TPAhere Cooldown Change?

      Hello, Im not going to make a paragraph about this because it's fairly simple I don't think this would be too hard for the Devs to change. I don't like the cooldown time and so do a lot of other people. It would make me very happy if it was lowered a minute or two. Thanks.
    10. egmp1

      Stage 400 Inefction, HavocMC Highest Infection Record!

      Hey everyone. I'm guessing I broke the record of the highest infection stage? I'll be updating this thread when I get to higher Stages. Stage 155 Stage 200! - We did it Stage 251 Stage 301 Stage 400!
    11. egmp1

      Zombies With Jugg?

      Just yesterday my friend said he saw a zombie with jugg, I've heard some people say they saw zombies with jugg, Idk if its true or not.
    12. egmp1

      Whats so bad about Staff?

      Ok before some of you are going to just say some negative things about staff, read this first then tell me what's so bad about staff. Lately I've seen Staff saying they get treated like crap. I was talking to Lateralization today and he said the majority of people treat staff bad. It upsets me...
    13. egmp1

      Cookie Or Cream?

      Cookie Or Cream from the Oreo Cookie.
    14. egmp1

      Scamming Needs To STOP

      Scamming In TMD is a big thing, espicially with Irl trades, just yesterday some guy named Draco_Dark_Shift told me he has a friend named ArchStello. He said ArchStello does Irl trades and he spends hundreds and stores it all. I think Draco_Dark_Shift is ArchStello because he sounds so...
    15. egmp1

      How long does it usually take for a Helper Application to get accepted or denied?

      Hello, I recently applied for Helper. Just wondering how long does it take for Helper applications to get viewed and accepted or denied? Thanks! :)
    16. egmp1

      Hello! Im back!

      Hi you obviously don't know me because i've been banned forever but i appealed and now i'm back! It'd be nice if someone would be my friend because I don't know anyone now (because its been over a year). I have infinite money and titan. I usually play on TMD-4 or TMD-3! I hope to see you! :)