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Bring Back Infinite Money to the PvE Server!
The whole point of the economy reset was to make thing's fair for the new players. But us ranked people payed for our ranks, and won our infinite money in Legendary Crates. But now you go, and move our infinite over to TMDC Like really! I understand resetting the infinite, and everything on PvP...- Jonah7074
- Thread
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
As you can see im Jonahmarvin but you can call me Jon or Jonah whatever you prefer. Ive been playing this server for 4 to 5 years I would say. Back in the days before Hellnight, and everything else this server was awesome! But now they added all these other games, and did the economy reset...- Jonah7074
- Thread
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Introduce Yourself