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  • A Small Rant.


    purrr purrr
    TMD is a mess.

    Now I can hear staff and players alike typing about how the staff are trying their best, or how they need more time, or some other generic thing, but save it. I don't want to hear it. If you comment about it, I'm gonna ignore it.

    First off, the lag is absolutely absurd. If the server hasn't been restarted in a while, you'll lagspike every fifteen seconds. I'm not kidding. Just today, I've lost 80 ELO, 2 half jugg sets and a golden barrett because of lag not allowing me to pain/shoot/run. Everyone hates it, it makes people very annoyed, and quite frankly makes a lot of people want to stop playing, some for a long time. With the new additions regarding 12 hour resets, it has gotten much better, which I am grateful to the staff towards.

    Second of all, guns and their damage are EXTREMELY broken. Spas can oneshot not only riot, but also half jugg. The bullet drop was an improvement- in my opinion- but the fact that now spas is used even MORE makes it even worse. Assault rifles, subs, and LMGS are worthless. Their fire rates are low (and all the same), they're inaccurate as hell unscoped, and they're super easy to pain through. Either nerf spas or buff the assault rifles, since I think you guys did a nice job with them. The particles instead of entities edition with bullets made them much less buggy, so good job!

    Third, the bugs. Trade not being fixed before Mythical was a huge set back. Many players now believe the server is money-hungry— that it put mythical in front of fixing bugs for overpowered privledges you can buy your way through with crates. Trade itself not being fixed makes it impossible to trade without the risk of being scammed. Thankfully, I can commend staff for fixing nearly all of the bugs the update brought, but trade may be the most important one.

    Edit: Trade was fixed, thankfully— but hellnight..?

    The little stuff that needs to be fixed—
    -Having multiple of the same gun in your hotbar
    -Glitch where you can't unscope
    -Not being able to scope next to a corner
    -the immense amounts of bugs regarding teamkilling and allies
    -No randomtp invincibility
    -Abusing barricades and barbed wire in office/bridge, making it literally impossible for anyone to rush unless you overpower them 4 to 1

    I like TMD. I've played it for a year and a half now, and it's my favorite server. However, the aforementioned stuff makes it a lot harder to enjoy.


    P.S– Comments that debunk everything I say in some desperate attempt to create an argument will be ignored. I'm not 12 any more.
    Last edited:


    SummonersJhift SummonersJhift
    Lag can also be just on your side btw. I am in Canada right now and listen my wifi is just garbage, I'm not even using the texture packs. I have experienced very little lag when with semi-decent wifi.

    Trade not being fixed before Mythical was a huge set back. Many players now believe the server is money-hungry— that it put mythical in front of fixing bugs for overpowered privledges you can buy your way through with crates.
    Mythical was being tested before the update, if you didn't notice. They released basically with the update (or a week later but who cares?) I have been scammed before I understand, but you are taking the risk of it while they are fixing it. So listen, don't trade with someone you don't trust for now, it's a better safe then sorry situation.

    This comment is not a "desperate attempt at an argument." This is simply just pointing out little details that can be simply solved.

    As I have said before it has been 19 days since the update?? (correct me if I am wrong) 19 days and there were a lot of bugs. As you stated that you commend staff for fixing the problems the update brought but you refuse to wait for a month mark to make this?

    I can state with 100% certainty that staff will fix these problems.


    purrr purrr
    Lag can also be just on your side btw. I am in Canada right now and listen my wifi is just garbage, I'm not even using the texture packs. I have experienced very little lag when with semi-decent wifi.

    Mythical was being tested before the update, if you didn't notice. They released basically with the update (or a week later but who cares?) I have been scammed before I understand, but you are taking the risk of it while they are fixing it. So listen, don't trade with someone you don't trust for now, it's a better safe then sorry situation.

    This comment is not a "desperate attempt at an argument." This is simply just pointing out little details that can be simply solved.

    As I have said before it has been 19 days since the update?? (correct me if I am wrong) 19 days and there were a lot of bugs. As you stated that you commend staff for fixing the problems the update brought but you refuse to wait for a month mark to make this?

    I can state with 100% certainty that staff will fix these problems.
    19 days is a long time. I commend them for their work so far. I'm not commending them for putting a cash grab in front of a major game breaking glitch. I personally haven't been scammed, but due to the risk I haven't been able to buy (or sell) anything.

    If you read chat, you'll know its server lag and not client. Whenever there's a spike, everyone says "lag". Maybe you play tmd-3 or something it's not bad but on 1 & 2 it's horrendous. Mythical wasn't balanced in the first place, to my knowledge, hence the common "cash grab" theory.


    SummonersJhift SummonersJhift
    19 days is a long time.
    I would so love to see you do any better, I bet you can't. 19 days is not a long time at all! You are expecting them to fix the whole server with people like you constantly complaining about how poor they do at their jobs, people pointing out every little mistake that they already know (like you), and finally they are adding a bunch of staff! Before the update there was 5-6 helpers, now there are 11. This whole rant seems to be another jab at staff for pointing out things they already know, I understand you're mad but you making this rant isn't making the staff jump onto their computers and do everything you want by the snap of your fingers.


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    I would so love to see you do any better, I bet you can't. 19 days is not a long time at all! You are expecting them to fix the whole server with people like you constantly complaining about how poor they do at their jobs, people pointing out every little mistake that they already know (like you), and finally they are adding a bunch of staff! Before the update there was 5-6 helpers, now there are 11. This whole rant seems to be another jab at staff for pointing out things they already know, I understand you're mad but you making this rant isn't making the staff jump onto their computers and do everything you want by the snap of your fingers.
    1. Helpers have nothing to do with updates.

    2. It's not unreasonable to expect almost 3 weeks after the update that the majority of it is fixed.

    3."pointing out every little mistake" is so that they'll realize somethings wrong and correct it.


    purrr purrr
    I would so love to see you do any better, I bet you can't. 19 days is not a long time at all! You are expecting them to fix the whole server with people like you constantly complaining about how poor they do at their jobs, people pointing out every little mistake that they already know (like you), and finally they are adding a bunch of staff! Before the update there was 5-6 helpers, now there are 11. This whole rant seems to be another jab at staff for pointing out things they already know, I understand you're mad but you making this rant isn't making the staff jump onto their computers and do everything you want by the snap of your fingers.

    How about reading the rant instead of cluelessly agreeing with staff like a lemming?

    I should be able to expect that nearly all of the bugs are done in 3 weeks or less. I thank staff for their current progress, and personally I find the update beneficial to TMD. I never complained about how staff does their jobs, and I'm only pointing out the mistakes literally everyone on the server has made. Helpers don't fix bugs. No kidding. The rant isn't for staff. I'm not stupid. Nor are they adding anything. They're just fixing stuff that's broken.

    TLDR— nearly everything you said can be easily debunked, and it's very clear you're just here to agree with every little thing staff says.

    I'm not replying to this again. Don't bother.


    SummonersJhift SummonersJhift
    cluelessly agreeing with staff like a lemming?
    Grow up. I don't agree with staff 100% of the time. I do have some complaints about glitches and everything. But the staff knows that and no where did I say " I agree with the staff!". I'm not like you, I do not need to point out every little thing that is wrong with the server when they already know what's wrong with it. Maybe if you read and not see the first few words that trigger you and then turn around and reply with something that just bashes me and does not help you prove your point.
    Helpers have nothing to do with updates.
    Please find a point where I say helpers have anything to do with updates? I was just stating it, please read it :D


    purrr purrr
    Grow up. I don't agree with staff 100% of the time. I do have some complaints about glitches and everything. But the staff knows that and no where did I say " I agree with the staff!". I'm not like you, I do not need to point out every little thing that is wrong with the server when they already know what's wrong with it. Maybe if you read and not see the first few words that trigger you and then turn around and reply with something that just bashes me and does not help you prove your point.

    Please find a point where I say helpers have anything to do with updates? I was just stating it, please read it :D
    Someone can't read.

    Read the bottom kiddo. Don't bother replying.

    You do always suck off the staff. I've seen it multiple times. I don't "point out every little thing". This wasn't for staff, which you would know if you read the reply. This wasn't made for the staff. Rants aren't directed towards anyone— I'm directing the rant towards the server itself, and not the staff who runs it.

    The last part about how it "triggers" me doesn't really make any sense, so I won't bother with addressing it.

    Wish I could delete comments instead of having obnoxious 12 year olds bounce you on every point you make.


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    Please find a point where I say helpers have anything to do with updates

    You heavily implied it, as hypur was talking about glitches, and you brought up helpers, who moderate.
    You are expecting them to fix the whole server with people like you constantly complaining about how poor they do at their jobs, people pointing out every little mistake that they already know (like you), and finally they are adding a bunch of staff! Before the update there was 5-6 helpers, now there are 11.


    purrr purrr
    Pointing out problems the server has is part of a players job did you know that? We are supposed to point out that bugs and glitches then, like hypurr did, make a thread on what's wrong with the server still after 3 weeks. In my opinion he did nothing wrong other then he a little annoyed with the fact that most of these obvious bugs aren't fixed yet
    Thank you, someone who understands!


    Filthypride_ Filthypride_
    Now I can hear staff and players alike typing about how the staff are trying their best, or how they need more time, or some other generic thing, but save it. I don't want to hear it. If you comment about it, I'm gonna ignore it.
    Staff aren't trying their best, we have absolutely no control when these bugs get fixed. We report them, here a response that, that's that.

    As for the bugs, trust me I get your frustration, but they'll be fixed soon. We have a list going of current bugs that need to be fix, and I'm happy you're able to add more onto that. Give it time - It'll be fixed. I play TMD just as you do.


    SummonersJhift SummonersJhift
    Funny how you said this
    everything you said can be easily debunked
    Then this?
    obnoxious 12 year olds bounce you on every point you make.
    Genius! I mean look at this! You can critique someone else's points, but once yours are even in close proximity it's not ok? I don't want to fight but I understand why you are mad and as mackkie said:
    we have absolutely no control when these bugs get fixed
    So once again this statement
    most of these obvious bugs aren't fixed yet
    if they are so obvious, why do you keep pointing them out? They know ok? If you all actually waited and stopped being so ungrateful this would be easy! If the glitches are obvious, why point them out? The staff knows.
    You do always suck off the staff. I've seen it multiple times.
    In your own words "someone can't read"
    I do have some complaints about glitches and everything. But the staff knows
    Cut it out with the "You just kiss up to the staff" insult. Just because you have nothing to help your "rant put out to everyone" (btw, who cares?) Don't turn to insults.


    purrr purrr
    Funny how you said this

    Then this?

    Genius! I mean look at this! You can critique someone else's points, but once yours are even in close proximity it's not ok? I don't want to fight but I understand why you are mad and as mackkie said:

    So once again this statement

    if they are so obvious, why do you keep pointing them out? They know ok? If you all actually waited and stopped being so ungrateful this would be easy! If the glitches are obvious, why point them out? The staff knows.

    In your own words "someone can't read"

    Cut it out with the "You just kiss up to the staff" insult. Just because you have nothing to help your "rant put out to everyone" (btw, who cares?) Don't turn to insults.
    I'm pointing them out not because they're for staff (for he fourth time). I'm ranting, which, again, you would know if you read it more than once. Obviously you care because you've responded three times.

    Really not getting anywhere.


    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    Hey! I just wanna point that for once that someone complain, at least its detailed and mostly directed toward the problem itself. That make it almost acceptable as comment from a players who got disappointment. I suggest that you change your topic title as about me a rant is not useful right now, but your comment could be! About staff doing their best, I may comment about it so your free to ignore.

    As for the bug who take time... I still think switching from minecraft version 1.9 to 1.8 might not be easy. As example, I have hard time using red-stone right now, as it easily create shortcut. I've read it could be related to a timing on a server who have been custom edited. So I may make a tuto once I've found how to fix most problems.

    As for scamming prevention, its still possible to take screenshot, but I agree that some bugs might require to use video recorder and its uneasy to setup! I know its annoying to read, but you could try to make a ticket about your items lost because of a bug


    New member
    CravenPython108 CravenPython108
    Cut it out with the "You just kiss up to the staff" insult. Just because you have nothing to help your "rant put out to everyone" (btw, who cares?) Don't turn to insults.
    You defended the staff team without the slightest background or information, in your first post, just because of the prefix in front of their name. You complain about those who aren't grateful to the staff team. What, are you trying to gain their favor?
    if they are so obvious, why do you keep pointing them out? They know ok? If you all actually waited and stopped being so ungrateful this would be easy! If the glitches are obvious, why point them out? The staff knows.
    If the glitches aren't fixed or reported, you have the right to assume staff don't know.