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  • Builders Newsletter 2


    JBentley694 JBentley694



    (St.John Dairy by HavocMC)​

    Hello everyone!

    Thank you all who have decided to join us for our second edition of the Builders Newsletter. We had such great feedback and people were excited how much more involved we have gotten with the community. So we have decided we will be doing a newsletter twice a month on the first and last friday of every month that way it will be frequent and will help with weekly polls.


    Many have asked about the future of Havoc and if we intend to update to the latest version of minecraft. Now we know many still run 1.8 so I would like to do a poll here to see if people would like us to have both 1.8 and 1.13 versions on the server. What that would mean is that we currently have 4 servers so we would take a pvp server and a non pvp server and keep them to 1.8 standards and the other pvp and non pvp would be for those who run the latest version. This is not a definite thing so please don't freak out it's just something we would like to ask the community and again this is not an overnight thing. If we were to try this out it would take us a while to update builds and add new guns and vehicles to 1.13 standards. Also we don't know how difficult this would be to try and run multiple versions of mc at once so it may be possible or it may not, we are not sure at this moment. That being said you can vote HERE just so we can get the communities opinion.


    (Mercy Medical/Savannah credit:Grockey,Withermandude,Michaelsteve)​


    Recently we have been asked questions about builds and the show and if Alexandria will be destroyed forever. To be truthful I don't know exactly what the show has planned for Alexandria I have not seen filming in the Alex set at all since it was set ablaze. However just like we have done in the past with the prison, woodbury, Terminus, and other locations if it is not seen in the series from here on out we will revert it back to its functional state before it was destroyed so no need to worry. That being taken care of we have done so much recently in terms of building. Savannah is coming along very nicely and we hope to have a trailer for it within a month or so. As many have requested we have decided to add Finley back but it will not be a port it will now be called Finley Wharf and will be a pier type community outside Savannah so look forward to that. Estershade is also returning and yes it will have the garage with the tank and military style bunker under it. Also as a nice surprise we will be adding Eugene's bullet factory outpost. The outpost will be in Griffin and a great spot to base or have wars.


    Hellnight has always been our top rated mini game has grown a lot in popularity so we have some ideas and a poll for the future of hellnight. Players have disagreed lately with hellnights mechanics and size and the build team would like to know if the you the players would like multiple smaller maps that you can vote on to play just before a hellnight game starts. Recently in the past we had a similar system where you could vote for Georgia or Virginia portions to play on. This time however you would have areas from all around like London or Paris or even a map of zombieland. To go more in depth I'll let Kyritic take over.

    Kyritic- Hey guys!

    So here is the deal with Hellnight. We want to completely reinvent the game. We want it reverted to the old style with zombies but we want different maps to make the game feel fresh and not a mini version of TMD. Here are some of the ideas we have currently.

    • London - Loosely based on 28 days later and Shaun of the Dead
    • The Carnival from Zombieland
    • A very large prison where people spawn in different cells
    • Maybe even maps based on popular culture shows like the simpsons or Futurama
    If you would like to see this implemented in Hellnight you can take the poll HERE.


    We have been liking the mini game ideas that members of the community have been suggesting. We have a lot going on right now in terms of building but in the free time some of us have we’ve tossed around ideas and we hope by the end of this year we can have a few mini game betas out. One of which would be a horde survival game where 10 players will spawn into a small isolated area and try to survive a certain amount of time from a horde of zombies. Other ideas would be like a quake gamemode where players split into two teams and try to capture the other teams flag while trying to defend their own. So think to all of you who have provided us with great suggestions.

    Please keep responses to this post nice and constructive.



    Be nice to each other, Don't Text And Drive!


    Captain_Furno Captain_Furno
    Don't Text And Drive!
    I'm sorry, but I keep failing at that...

    I'm genuinely hyped for this update.

    As many have requested we have decided to add Finley back but it will not be a port it will now be called Finley Wharf and will be a pier type community outside Savannah so look forward to that. Estershade is also returning and yes it will have the garage with the tank and military style bunker under it.
    The nostalgia is hitting me.

    You guys do such an amazing job! Keep doing these Newsletters. It is very much interesting and intriguing to see what you guys have in store for us!


    49ersfan77 49ersfan77



    (St.John Dairy by HavocMC)​

    Hello everyone!

    Thank you all who have decided to join us for our second edition of the Builders Newsletter. We had such great feedback and people were excited how much more involved we have gotten with the community. So we have decided we will be doing a newsletter twice a month on the first and last friday of every month that way it will be frequent and will help with weekly polls.


    Many have asked about the future of Havoc and if we intend to update to the latest version of minecraft. Now we know many still run 1.8 so I would like to do a poll here to see if people would like us to have both 1.8 and 1.13 versions on the server. What that would mean is that we currently have 4 servers so we would take a pvp server and a non pvp server and keep them to 1.8 standards and the other pvp and non pvp would be for those who run the latest version. This is not a definite thing so please don't freak out it's just something we would like to ask the community and again this is not an overnight thing. If we were to try this out it would take us a while to update builds and add new guns and vehicles to 1.13 standards. Also we don't know how difficult this would be to try and run multiple versions of mc at once so it may be possible or it may not, we are not sure at this moment. That being said you can vote HERE just so we can get the communities opinion.


    (Mercy Medical/Savannah credit:Grockey,Withermandude,Michaelsteve)​


    Recently we have been asked questions about builds and the show and if Alexandria will be destroyed forever. To be truthful I don't know exactly what the show has planned for Alexandria I have not seen filming in the Alex set at all since it was set ablaze. However just like we have done in the past with the prison, woodbury, Terminus, and other locations if it is not seen in the series from here on out we will revert it back to its functional state before it was destroyed so no need to worry. That being taken care of we have done so much recently in terms of building. Savannah is coming along very nicely and we hope to have a trailer for it within a month or so. As many have requested we have decided to add Finley back but it will not be a port it will now be called Finley Wharf and will be a pier type community outside Savannah so look forward to that. Estershade is also returning and yes it will have the garage with the tank and military style bunker under it. Also as a nice surprise we will be adding Eugene's bullet factory outpost. The outpost will be in Griffin and a great spot to base or have wars.


    Hellnight has always been our top rated mini game has grown a lot in popularity so we have some ideas and a poll for the future of hellnight. Players have disagreed lately with hellnights mechanics and size and the build team would like to know if the you the players would like multiple smaller maps that you can vote on to play just before a hellnight game starts. Recently in the past we had a similar system where you could vote for Georgia or Virginia portions to play on. This time however you would have areas from all around like London or Paris or even a map of zombieland. To go more in depth I'll let Kyritic take over.

    Kyritic- Hey guys!

    So here is the deal with Hellnight. We want to completely reinvent the game. We want it reverted to the old style with zombies but we want different maps to make the game feel fresh and not a mini version of TMD. Here are some of the ideas we have currently.

    • London - Loosely based on 28 days later and Shaun of the Dead
    • The Carnival from Zombieland
    • A very large prison where people spawn in different cells
    • Maybe even maps based on popular culture shows like the simpsons or Futurama
    If you would like to see this implemented in Hellnight you can take the poll HERE.


    We have been liking the mini game ideas that members of the community have been suggesting. We have a lot going on right now in terms of building but in the free time some of us have we’ve tossed around ideas and we hope by the end of this year we can have a few mini game betas out. One of which would be a horde survival game where 10 players will spawn into a small isolated area and try to survive a certain amount of time from a horde of zombies. Other ideas would be like a quake gamemode where players split into two teams and try to capture the other teams flag while trying to defend their own. So think to all of you who have provided us with great suggestions.

    Please keep responses to this post nice and constructive.



    Be nice to each other, Don't Text And Drive!
    I'd be lying if I said I didn't skip straight to the Hell Night paragraph before reading anything else xD. I'd LOVE to see that change made. In my opinion, some sort of change should be made to hell night because it has gotten repetitive as of late causing less players to play. Variety in the gamemode would be beneficial to helping Hell Night hit its peak once again (or maybe even surpass that <3)


    seuboi seuboi
    That's some awesome news, thank you for all the effort!
    The horde survival seems absolute insane. People grouping up to defend themselves? Boy that's some old Left 4 Dead feelings!

    I'd like to know between all the pros/cons between 1.9 and 1.13. I really hate the shooting system (straight particles, no bullet drop compensation), also it's pretty damn hard to actually aim for a headshot than before, I don't know if its due the game version or the non-bullet drop system.

    edit: auto-correct
    Last edited:


    Kyritic Kyritic
    That's some awesome news, thank you for all the effort!
    The horde survival seems absolute insane. People grouping up to defend themselves? Boy that's some old Left 4 Dead feelings!

    I'd like to know between all the pros/cons between 1.9 and 1.13. I really hate the shooting system (straight particles, no bullet drop compensation), also it's pretty damn hard to actually aim for a headshot than before, I don't know if its duo the game version or the non-bullet drop system.
    Im still doing research, I'll get back to you on that one
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    Awesome, if you guys have anymore hellnight map ideas please fell free to tell us.
    Because there's a link in my sig (and xWolf_Gunslinger's), I'll just provide a VERY condensed version -

    Team Deathmatch with respawns and a very fast-paced style, something that would be exciting to watch if YouTubers decide to post gameplays.

    On the other hand, more strategic game modes possibly involving more than two factions for a more tactical, apocalyptic feel would draw attention, as well as tie in with the TWD theme.

    It's 2:30am at the time of writing this, so what I described is an extremely brief version of my idea, but I hope the ideas from everyone in my thread will contribute to your plans with the future updates!