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  • Easy fixes to the common problems on TMD


    New member
    *Okay so I have to get this off my chest.*

    HavocMC is a great server, don't get me wrong, but there are many problems (new and old) on this server that have very simple fixes. This forum post is how I see this server and its flaws and what my suggestions are to fix them. The flaws that I point out are problems in my opinion, others may not view them as issues. But hopefully, my reasoning can help you understand my point of view.

    The Mining Dead:

    1. Painkillers-
    I have always been the guy to complain about painkillers and how they are way too OP. I'm glad that, in light of the new update, they have nerfed the painkillers. But I feel that this has steered away a lot of their playerbase. it is undeniable that since the update, HavocMC has had fewer players online than normal. I think this is largely due to the fact that painkillers were nerfed. Most of the Hardcore players who were on hours a day were masters at using painkillers and their entire play-style was centered around their ability to "tank" enemy players' attacks. With that in mind, it is understandable that they would be angry about the nerf of painkillers.
    But I feel the staff team missed a golden opportunity to fix the painkiller issue without nerfing the actual item. The most recent update also came with a full reset. This reset every player's money, inventories, vaults, etc. This means that it took all of the painkillers out of circulation. All they had to do to fix the painkiller issue was to remove it from the safezone shop. Removing painkillers from SZ shops would do two things. One, it would prevent players with infinite money from having a HUGE advantage. Two, it would make finding painkillers in the wild the only way to acquire them.
    The problem with painkillers was not how powerful they were, it was how available they were. Painkillers were dirt cheap in the shop and players with infinite money could get as much as they wanted. With an item that could basically grant you immortality in a 1v1 scenario should be either very expensive or very hard to get. Obviously increasing the price wouldn't solve anything as the players with infinite would just have an even bigger advantage. So if you were to make them hard to get, then an item THAT powerful would be balanced with its availability.
    Think about it, if a player were to loot Atlanta for hours (while risking their life), the player would probably turn up with just over a stack or two of painkillers. If they were to use that in battle, then I believe that with all that work and risk, they have earned the power that 2 stacks of painkillers can get you. You don't earn that power by just spending a couple thousand as the shop. Painkillers were what made this server fun to play because of how exciting it could make each battle. The only change that needed to be made to them was making players actually WORK for them.

    2. Motorcycle PVP-
    Bike PVP is probably one of the dumbest ways to die in TMD. It is annoying and down right unfair to be killed by a player on a speeding bike using a barrett or a spaz. The easiest fix for this is to update the weapons to have logical handling. What i mean by this is, a Spaz should require 2 hands. Shooting a high-powered shotgun with one hand would only break your wrist in real life. This also goes for all ARs, shotguns, snipers, and LMGs. SMGs and pistols are fine to remain One-Handed.
    The reason that I pointed that out is that I believe that they should add a One-Handed restriction while riding a Motorcycle. This means that when on a motorcycle, Players could only be able to use one-handed weapons. It makes logical sense too, how is one able to steer a bike and shoot a weapon that requires both of your hands to use. This means that players can only use pistols and SMGs on a bike (maybe the crossbow).
    Adding this system would instantly fix Motorcycle PVP. A player who has the speed advantage should not also have the power advantage. If a player wants to ride on a bike and kill others, they must use a weapon that gives the player on the ground a fighting chance. If they want to use a more powerful gun, they must hop off the bike to use it.
    Another suggestion is to only allow one-handed weapons while moving on the bike. So if the player wants to use a weapon that requires two hands, they must come to a complete stop to allow the free use of their second hand.
    Either one of these suggestions would fix bike PVP only if you changed the guns mentioned above to two-handed weapons.

    3. Spaz-12-
    The Spaz is undeniably too powerful. The fact that a single pellet is more powerful than a winchester shot isn't right. Shotguns are supposed to be powerful up close, but they aren't supposed to kill if a single pellet hits a player. A good fix is to decrease the damage per pellet to 2-3 damage and add more pellets to the shot itself. This would keep the shotgun effective at close range because there are many more pellets that would hit the player, but at range it would be useless because the spread of the pellets would pretty much guarantee that only 1 or 2 pellets max could hit the player and this means it would deal 4 or 6 damage rather than 10 or 20 damage. Also having a semi-auto shotgun is just annoying to me, Id much rather see the Spaz-12 from MW2 (Pump Action) than the Spaz-12 from BO1 (Semi Auto).

    4. Infinite Money-
    I just think that any form of infinite money (Daily Cap or not) is just stupid and is the main cause for a server economy's inflation. The fact that a lucky player with infinite money can buy unlimited things from shops is unfair to other players and is approaching a "Pay to Win" server mindset. The only fix is to remove it from the server and never look back.

    Hell Night:

    1. Individual servers-
    Hell night is a very fun and successful game mode in the HavocMC network. But I strongly recommend that, since you added a HN-2, you make one server permanently Normal Loot and the other server permanently Insane Loot. Every Hell Night lobby has a poll where donors can vote for the loot modifier. However, many players, including myself do not like Insane (and vise versa for Normal). I tend to have very enjoyable experiences on the Normal loot type and I hate playing on the Insane loot type. I have recently stopped playing Hell Night because Insane Loot seems to win the vote about 80% of the time.
    Making HN-1 exclusively for Normal Loot and HN-2 exclusively for Insane Loot will allow all players to choose which type they want to play at all times allowing them to have more fun while playing Hell Night.

    2. More Food-
    I love playing on the Normal Loot Modifier on Hell Night, however, it is WAY too hard to find food. With the amount of running that is involved in a game of Hell Night, players shouldn't have to struggle to keep their hunger. I'm not saying to make food extremely common, but there are times that i go into an unlooted town and find one apple. I play Hell Night solo a lot, so i cant imagine how a team of four could fend off of one apple.

    3. Legendaries in Insane-
    The Insane Loot Modifier implements legendaries into the loot pool. However, I feel that they are way too common. Legendary weapons and armor should be a game changer, finding one should mean that you have an clear advantage. It isn't a game changer if everyone has it. In the Insane Loot Modifier, I would find legendaries just about as common as tier 3 armor and weapons. Example, I would find the same amount of G-Barretts as i do regular Barretts and Jugg armor in relation to Riot Armor.
    I believe that the insane loot should drastically increase chances of Riot and Tier 3-4 weapons and make legendary weapons/armor an extreme rarity. This would make the Insane Loot Modifier a little more balanced.

    4. No Chat Filter-
    Hell Night lobbies don't have a spam or profanity filter and I don't know why. There is probably a reason to this that I don't know. However, your staff wont always be on Hell Night to manage the chat.

    Map Maker:

    1. Map Showcase-
    Map Maker is a wonderful addition to the HavocMC network and I have no criticisms, only two suggestions. Add a feature where players (maybe donors only) can use /showcase and select one map that they have owner status on. This map will then be added to a GUI similar to one where you select which map to go to. Expect this GUI will have all of the maps that all players have showcased. You could even add a like system where a player could left click to go to that map and right click to "like" it. In the description/lore of the slot in the GUI, it would have the map name, who made it, how many likes it has, and how many views it has. The GUI could be sorted by most recent, most liked, or most viewed.
    This feature would even further connect the Map Maker community by allowing them to share their creations with every player without having constantly advertise their map in chat.
    2. Chat System-
    Quick suggestion, make the chat system similar to TMD rather than HN. Where you can toggle global chat by command not by having to add "!" to the beginning of your message. It is just a little annoying when you are in your map while having a conversation with someone not in you map.

    That's all I have to say about the HavocMC network. Don't take this post as disrespectful towards the network, I have nothing but the utmost respect for this network and what it has become. I just felt that I should voice my opinion and ideas to help make it even better.
    Please respond and let me know whether you agree or disagree with any of my ideas along with any ideas you have to #MakeHAVOCMCGreat.

    Thanks, Juh_Coh_Bee


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme

    Thanks, Juh_Coh_Bee
    sorry to shorten the quote, I'm on an IPod so it's hard to scroll up without accidentally selecting something :p

    I love most of these ideas, but I have a few suggestions.

    Painkillers: I like the new cool down on painkillers, but not everybody does. because of this, OP TMD was released, which uses the old painkiller system. /server otmd-1 to see it :)

    Bike pvp: I haven't seen many people with bikes, but on the old TMD I saw too much bike pvp. Riding a bike should only allow pistols, because the P90 basically shreds with almost the same power as an Ak47. If it's pistols only, people will be stuck with low level damage (even if using a deagle, which has a no-aim accuracy of: terrible).

    Spas damage: I think we should leave it as it is. if you think about it, what happens when the TMD community loses something it loves? (like pains) It finds something else to replace it (chugging Med packs replaced chugging pains) so if we Nerf spas, then something like the ak or p90 will become a problem. when that happens, then those guns will be nerfed. this will continue until tier 4 = tier 3, which defeats the purpose of using tier 4s. if we leave the spas as it is, with low accuracy at range but high damage, we will still have a chance of having useful tier 4s.

    Individual servers were gunned down by _Nickk, because it would take too long for a game to start if the servers were separate, or the game would start but have 10 people. As for the insane modifier, I think all of the legends are meant to be there. the insane modifier is supposed to be, well, insane! by gearing everyone with the highest level guns, it makes a truly unbalanced and insane experience. though I don't see why it wins the vote most of the time, since apparently it gives less skulls.

    Other than that, I love all of the ideas :)

    This is why the site needs a dislike button
    Do you really need to post that?


    New member
    sorry to shorten the quote, I'm on an IPod so it's hard to scroll up without accidentally selecting something :p

    I love most of these ideas, but I have a few suggestions.

    Painkillers: I like the new cool down on painkillers, but not everybody does. because of this, OP TMD was released, which uses the old painkiller system. /server otmd-1 to see it :)

    Bike pvp: I haven't seen many people with bikes, but on the old TMD I saw too much bike pvp. Riding a bike should only allow pistols, because the P90 basically shreds with almost the same power as an Ak47. If it's pistols only, people will be stuck with low level damage (even if using a deagle, which has a no-aim accuracy of: terrible).

    Spas damage: I think we should leave it as it is. if you think about it, what happens when the TMD community loses something it loves? (like pains) It finds something else to replace it (chugging Med packs replaced chugging pains) so if we Nerf spas, then something like the ak or p90 will become a problem. when that happens, then those guns will be nerfed. this will continue until tier 4 = tier 3, which defeats the purpose of using tier 4s. if we leave the spas as it is, with low accuracy at range but high damage, we will still have a chance of having useful tier 4s.

    Individual servers were gunned down by _Nickk, because it would take too long for a game to start if the servers were separate, or the game would start but have 10 people. As for the insane modifier, I think all of the legends are meant to be there. the insane modifier is supposed to be, well, insane! by gearing everyone with the highest level guns, it makes a truly unbalanced and insane experience. though I don't see why it wins the vote most of the time, since apparently it gives less skulls.

    Other than that, I love all of the ideas :)

    Do you really need to post that?
    I appreciate the feedback and you make a solid point. However, I was mainly referring to pee update problems that they fixed for the most part, but could have fixed better.


    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    I appreciate the feedback and you make a solid point. However, I was mainly referring to pee update problems that they fixed for the most part, but could have fixed better.
    I would love to hear your opinion on my ideas. don't just sit there and bad mouth my ideas, back it up with counter arguments

    Edit button?

    And one thing: you shouldnt be able to fire the P90 on a bike, cause its pratically the sixe of an AK, and same as a crossbow.


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    Edit button?

    And one thing: you shouldnt be able to fire the P90 on a bike, cause its pratically the sixe of an AK, and same as a crossbow.
    They should only allow pistols. Since I can't fire two smgs (one in each hand) it could be easy to code. Just put an invisible item in someone's left hand, so only weapons that can be fired with one hand (pistols) can be used. I would place the end rod in their hand, since it is invisible.


    New member
    Edit button?

    And one thing: you shouldnt be able to fire the P90 on a bike, cause its pratically the sixe of an AK, and same as a crossbow.
    Yeah I only left the smgs as a possibility just because it could be handled with one hand. The one handed weapon system on bikes is mainly to prevent the spaz and Barrett


    Terminant Terminant
    They should only allow pistols. Since I can't fire two smgs (one in each hand) it could be easy to code. Just put an invisible item in someone's left hand, so only weapons that can be fired with one hand (pistols) can be used. I would place the end rod in their hand, since it is invisible.
    Magenta panes is invisible too and it doesn't give off particles.


    New member
    Yeah, some of the updates could be made better, but for the most part the update is a nice change to TMD
    I also agree with you about how players will complain is op items are nerfed. A main aspect of tmd Pvp is the spaz and needing it will only upset the playerbase. But there was a time before the common use of the spaz, bikes, and pains. I have been on this server for close to three years and back then, these exploits were not commonly used. They were there, but not known how to exploit them. My point is that the server was a success before these op aspects and will remain a success even if they take them away.