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  • Extreme Mute

    How old is _CitrusTea (answer truthfully)?

    • 10-12 years old

    • Below 10 years old

    • "14 years old" - ImVoorhees

    • "22 years old" - _CitrusTea

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    New member
    On MineWars, SpiritedAway_, Alkruel, and I were prying at _CitrusTea for his age. He kept claiming he was 22 yet he clearly isn't (started to write proper sentences after we asked him of his age, misspells lots of things, horrible grammar, childish and immature personality). I had asked him if he had skype (said no), asked for discord (claimed mic was broken and didn't want to video chat), asked him if he used gmail (yes, wouldn't give me it though [gmail for google hangouts]), I don't have discord, asked to facetime him (said his phone was dead after I mentioned every 22 year old should have a smartphone; apparently lost his charger...). He also wouldn't say any social media he used (understandable). Now as this argument progressed, Jr. Mod PeachDABoss came on and muted Alkruel, SpiritedAway_, and me (Habaek). I understand the mute because we were "verbally harassing" Citrus, but our mutes were one day. Now to the best of my knowledge, for all of us this is our first offence. A one day mute is not suitable for any of the punishments in the rules.

    Verbal Abuse/Disrespect (This includes attacking or abusing other players via chat): First Offence: 30 MINUTE MUTE
    The rule revealing personal information does not apply here because we did not leak any of _CitrusTea's personal information in the chat, AND I was asking for him to talk to me using a third party (Skype, google hangouts, facetime, discord).

    Also, a 22 year old refusing/ scared to reveal his voice/appearance? Sounds fishy to me....



    Kyritic Kyritic
    I care... so do the people that got muted

    This problem pissed off other people on minewars too, the conflict of Citrus's age. No one likes it when you're lied to
    Yeah I get it, I cannot sleep knowing there are those filthy dirty *******s who decide to lie about there age. They are scumbags and are the worst people on the internet. Come on love I think you will survive, how can that negatively effect you that much. Get some perspective it's so petty.


    New member
    Yeah I get it, I cannot sleep knowing there are those filthy dirty *******s who decide to lie about there age. They are scumbags and are the worst people on the internet. Come on love I think you will survive, how can that negatively effect you that much. Get some perspective it's so petty.
    This post is more about the mute, I just explained why I got muted (e.g stating problem with Citrus's age). More or less, I was bored and wanted to expose CitrusTea, so did many other people (not just the people that got muted). I do admit, I got a little carried away however.


    Slimme Slimme
    Dear Habaek,

    If you feel your mute is invalid please create an appeal for it via support ticket. Creating forum posts about it will not get you anywhere. You were also asking this player for his private information, his gmail and his facetime information phone number or email, or something. Ask they could be another reason for the day mute. Sorry for the inconvenience, but feel free to appeal. I have no say in your mute, but it seems proper to me. If you were continuing to harass this player and ask for his private information.

    - Dragonicks


    New member
    HarleyQuinn78 HarleyQuinn78

    I don't think that _CitrusTea's age is or should be an issue of discussion. It is quite clear that he is not 22 years old and that he made up the story about his 2 "younger brothers" to justify some of his immature behaviour. People who have voice chatted with Citrus whose names I shan't disclose have said that he does not sound like he is 22. Rather, they claim that he has a squeaky, 13-year-old voice. His actions on the server, word misspellings, immature insults, and other such behaviours indicate that he clearly is not in his 20s.

    As far as the mute is concerned, I personally think that the 24 hour mute is an unreasonable punishment, especially since the punishment is outlined clearly in the rules. However, things like this happen once in a while.

    Cheers and kind regards,



    New member
    Dear Habaek,

    If you feel your mute is invalid please create an appeal for it via support ticket. Creating forum posts about it will not get you anywhere. You were also asking this player for his private information, his gmail and his facetime information phone number or email, or something. Ask they could be another reason for the day mute. Sorry for the inconvenience, but feel free to appeal. I have no say in your mute, but it seems proper to me. If you were continuing to harass this player and ask for his private information.

    - Dragonicks
    No point in creating a support ticket because by the time staff read it, my mute would probably be over. Now, understand that in modern life, people have social media, email, etc. Mute for asking for private information? Where is the logic in this? The player can just decline and not reveal their info. Honestly, you should revise your rules and how they are enforced. Understand that in the modern world, things such as your personal info and social media are common to give.

    Things to think about:
    • What am I going to do with his gmail?
    • It is Citrus's choice to reveal his phone number or not (was saying this to further disprove Citrus is 22. If he was 22, he shouldn't feel this uncomfortable sharing it with me)
    • People ask each other about age all the time. (Wow guys, someone asked me how old I was! Lets mute him/her!)
    • Your page of rules doesn't say anything about a one day mute, especially on first offence
    • Hey, if you don't want to be "harassed"/ interrogated to death, don't spread bull**** lies proclaiming you're 22 and all of that other crap. People get fed up by this.

    To Staff Team: Revise your rules and adjust them to the real modern world we live in today. Don't ask for personal info - Wow guys, mute me for asking someone how old they are/ what gender they are....
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