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  • Hello


    New member
    Hello, I joined this server a long time ago about a year ago before HavocMC was even close to being a network , The old days have past , While I was banned for about 6 months I have learned that it is not good to break the rules I have came back after 6 Months and would like to introduce myself on the New Forums!

    Hello, I am MonkeyManofLife, I am a normal kid who thrives to play games and talk to other people and make a lot of friends, I really don't have anything else to say here expect

    Is JewishBagel and Funny Still Staff?


    Katitude Katitude
    Hello Monkey and let me give you a welcome to HavocMC as well as the forums. I'm glad you've learned from breaking the rules and how it is wrong. JewishBagel is still an admin while funny121 is not a staff member anymore. I'm glad you have an interest in HavocMC and if you need anything, feel free to privately message me either on the forums or in game. :)