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    Xero_Ken Xero_Ken
    Ah, Many months have passed and it's nearly mid spring. This post is just something that I've been wanting to put up in the forums for a while now after a bit of drama and changes have been done in both my life and havoc, I guess it's like a rant but I don't know. My mind has been everywhere lately lol
    1. My Current State with All that's happened
    It's been nearly 2 months since I've been demoted for leaking staff chat, I was told I could've been given another chance but I was siding with a friend of mine which caused it to disappear lol. I was the bad guy in the story to them but all I wanted to do was stand up for a friend. Knowing this persons actions and such, I've experienced a lot and everyone's actions can be controlled and others can't but it's what makes us human, We live and learn but I guess not everyone sees it in that way. We've all done a number of stuff we regret and even have those things haunt them forever, we can't help it though, it just happens but that's besides the point here. My actions have been set and there's nothing I can do to change it and do I regret going against staff and stuff? No lol. It was what I wanted to do and what felt right to me. I continued to do what I felt was right and even discussed stuff with Nick before my whole demotion for players. We were given other things than the stuff we wanted in the past such as new legends and tiers? We received new game modes instead. I suggested to nick to at least find a way for players to speak how they want such as swearing because we all have times where we can't control it and it just slips out. I'm hoping you're going to do something about it Havoc because us players would kind of like to swear in rp's in peace and such lol. My state with staff right now after the whole thing? People were probably mad at me and possibly still are, others probably just ignore it and move along. My actions weren't the brightest to some but hey, It's what I decided and it's coming from the staff member who got into the team at the age of 14 lol. I got lucky I guess. I would like to thank Jewish for actually accepting my application the first time and he will be missed by some. I don't mean to harm staff or anyone else but I just want people to understand that we all are humans lol. I apologize for what I did to cause such havoc but I don't regret doing it.

    2. Next moves
    I've been thinking plentiful about my next actions and I've decided to quit kind of. I won't be on as often as I used to like last year but nor will I be leaving the server for good. I had good and bad times, from meeting the love of my life on here and doing good stuff to make a lot of players happy with my ways of staff that I will confess later on in this thread to drama and a huge problem lol. I will possibly be giving my few items away such as cars, legends, money, and will be giving away my crate items to people each month. All I have been wanting to do was make players happy and I will continue to try my best to do so. I will be taking my server ideas and such to a different server that I am now staff in lol, I will really miss the people who I've enjoyed spending time with on TMD-4 and the ones who disappeared as well

    3. Confession
    I've done a lot around the server that a staff shouldn't have done but it was to make stuff fair for players. I confess I didn't follow the way staff do things but did stuff my own. I hate punishing players for stuff they can't control at times. I gave players chances for example: A player becomes disrespectful, I verbally tell them to stop and give them 3 chances if they can't stop. After that I warn and if it goes on, I temp mute and such. For swearing, as long as it didn't hurt someone, I let them go a few times even bypassed but a few other days, I don't and I apologize to the players I have warned and I didn't treat them like I treated others. It made players happy and I was called "One of the best staff" lol probably to only just get on my good side but I wasn't good at all, unlike others in the team.

    4. Few Last Things
    I have said everything I wanted to share to all and I hope it explains what I've done and my reasons of doing my next actions. I apologize to people for letting them down and I thank the people who stood by me and stood up for my reasons. Others who didn't agree, I apologize but understand it's my actions and what I wanted to do. I will be able to get on from time to time to check out what's new and my monthly crates and I can be contacted mostly on skype and discord. I will stay in the havoc discord and my skype can be given if asked. I will miss a lot of you and I also expect great things from u all and people who know me, I expect u guys to behave lol I trust u guys a lot. I will cya all around and I will update on the giveaway hopefully this week, Revo out~:)