Sup! It’za Chlnge.
I’ve been considering this option for a while, but as of lately I’ve decided to follow through. I’m stepping down from staff. I have a few reasons.
My main reason is how my perception of the job changed over time. When I went in, I went in to help make the server better in any way I can. I’d been messing around with the resource pack since the first week I started playing the server, and I thought I could offer my services in that department. A week or two ago, I actually did get to help in that department by making the new superbasic pack that has gun camos visible (and I’ve gotten a lot of player praise over it). But every other time I’m on the server, at least once I get asked to help deal with a hacker. I report it like I’m supposed to, but the players that report the hacker get annoyed that I can’t do anything about it and proceed to call me useless. They’re kind of right. With the exception of watching chat, Helpers are kind of useless. Watching chat is fine and all, but players that are reporting hackers can use /staff anyway or make a support ticket. Watching chat isn’t what I had in mind for helping the server. And if I wanted to get a promotion to Jr. Mod? I’m fourth in line for that. I’m probably gonna ship out to basic for the Air Force before that happens. (More about this later)
Another reason is this fact that they’re removing camos. I know this one sounds lame, but look at this from my perspective. I JUST made a pack that I thought would help the server based specifically off of camos. Now they’re making it irrelevant. What a kick in the teeth. I now it’s not a personal thing, but for some reason it does. At least there’ll be 1.8 support. Woo.
Another lame excuse is that I don’t really feel that I fit in on the staff team. There are certain members that I can tell just straight up don’t like me. There are some members like Kat and Ash that I get along with fine. But I feel like I don’t really connect with any of the other staff members.
Like said earlier, I’m going to be enlisting in the Air Force soon, and I want to be able to ENJOY the gametime I have between now and then. I enjoy being Helper just fine, but I feel like I’ll enjoy the time more if I don’t have to worry about telling people that my Helper tag means almost nothing every time they ask me for help.
The owners have put a time requirement for being on. I feel guilty I'm out living life and not inside on my laptop moderating. I don't like that feeling.
This final reason is a personal issue. Upper staff seems to drag their feet about things. My app in particular I’m still salty about. I applied on Aug 22 2016. I didn’t get accepted until Dec 4. And I can almost guarantee they would have never noticed it if it wasn’t for this:
I’ll stick around. But I just don’t feel like being staff is something for me anymore.
I’ve been considering this option for a while, but as of lately I’ve decided to follow through. I’m stepping down from staff. I have a few reasons.
My main reason is how my perception of the job changed over time. When I went in, I went in to help make the server better in any way I can. I’d been messing around with the resource pack since the first week I started playing the server, and I thought I could offer my services in that department. A week or two ago, I actually did get to help in that department by making the new superbasic pack that has gun camos visible (and I’ve gotten a lot of player praise over it). But every other time I’m on the server, at least once I get asked to help deal with a hacker. I report it like I’m supposed to, but the players that report the hacker get annoyed that I can’t do anything about it and proceed to call me useless. They’re kind of right. With the exception of watching chat, Helpers are kind of useless. Watching chat is fine and all, but players that are reporting hackers can use /staff anyway or make a support ticket. Watching chat isn’t what I had in mind for helping the server. And if I wanted to get a promotion to Jr. Mod? I’m fourth in line for that. I’m probably gonna ship out to basic for the Air Force before that happens. (More about this later)
Another reason is this fact that they’re removing camos. I know this one sounds lame, but look at this from my perspective. I JUST made a pack that I thought would help the server based specifically off of camos. Now they’re making it irrelevant. What a kick in the teeth. I now it’s not a personal thing, but for some reason it does. At least there’ll be 1.8 support. Woo.
Another lame excuse is that I don’t really feel that I fit in on the staff team. There are certain members that I can tell just straight up don’t like me. There are some members like Kat and Ash that I get along with fine. But I feel like I don’t really connect with any of the other staff members.
Like said earlier, I’m going to be enlisting in the Air Force soon, and I want to be able to ENJOY the gametime I have between now and then. I enjoy being Helper just fine, but I feel like I’ll enjoy the time more if I don’t have to worry about telling people that my Helper tag means almost nothing every time they ask me for help.
The owners have put a time requirement for being on. I feel guilty I'm out living life and not inside on my laptop moderating. I don't like that feeling.
This final reason is a personal issue. Upper staff seems to drag their feet about things. My app in particular I’m still salty about. I applied on Aug 22 2016. I didn’t get accepted until Dec 4. And I can almost guarantee they would have never noticed it if it wasn’t for this:
I’ll stick around. But I just don’t feel like being staff is something for me anymore.