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  • More attachments, and effects to guns.

    Should we add attachments and recoil?

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    KumchoVulcho KumchoVulcho
    Many, many people have though of this idea, and they usually don't get accepted, but for guns like the RPG and Spas 12 and Remington, we need recoil for because of there massive bullet spew. Almost all guns in real life have recoil, from Mini-guns to Pistols, because of the type of bullet. This is one of the unrealistic features in tmd, even though many people like it. So, I figured out a way we could have recoil, but reduce it with Attachments like a Bi-pod or a hand grip. RPGs and Gatling Guns would likely have the most recoil, while a M9 would have the least. There could be tiers for attachments, and it could say what attachment it is used for, to reduce recoil or make the gun more accurate. I think if we add this element, pvp could be more stable and fun, while also having a better challenge while fighting back with recoil. These attachments could add many more ideas with guns, like an ak-47 that really uses 2 hands, with a hand grip, and it would be seen, but very small elements could be added to the gun.


    curiousgeorge341 curiousgeorge341
    I like the idea of recoil but I fail to understand how it would play out in the server... like when you should shoot an rpg would it throw you back a block?


    DeleteThisAcc DeleteThisAcc
    Recoil used to be a thing but there were problems with it boosting you up into the air, this was also before scroll shooting was patched so people could have 9 AK-47s in their hot bar and just scroll shoot and boost themselves onto buildings. It would be realistic for it to be re-implemented but I think the majority of players could agree that it would be rather annoying, especially when chasing someone down.


    KumchoVulcho KumchoVulcho
    Recoil used to be a thing but there were problems with it boosting you up into the air, this was also before scroll shooting was patched so people could have 9 AK-47s in their hot bar and just scroll shoot and boost themselves onto buildings. It would be realistic for it to be re-implemented but I think the majority of players could agree that it would be rather annoying, especially when chasing someone down.
    There could be a way to fix that, buy making it so they teleport you backwards


    KumchoVulcho KumchoVulcho
    Recoil used to be a thing but there were problems with it boosting you up into the air, this was also before scroll shooting was patched so people could have 9 AK-47s in their hot bar and just scroll shoot and boost themselves onto buildings. It would be realistic for it to be re-implemented but I think the majority of players could agree that it would be rather annoying, especially when chasing someone down.
    I also love your profile picture (completely not related to the topic)


    Lord_Neko_ Lord_Neko_
    attachments will never happen; staff have tried with scopes and those broke real fast.
    The RPG only does damage if it hits a surface, not a player; rockets pass through players.
    To counter the rockets damage, it has a long load time.
    As for the SPAZ; I would vote hell yes to add recoil, the shotgun is a must have now and anyone that can carry it does.
    The damage close range is insanity.


    purrr purrr
    Recoil, yes, it's dearly needed. The gods are being sent right now to praise you for this magnificent creation.