• IP Copied!
  • No nametags


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    In hn, only your teams names are visible, and everyone else names are invisible. We should add that to TMD! In pvp, it take fun out of fighting if you see an opponents name 2 floors above you. Irl, do we have nametags that show where we are? Nope. It's also annoying when im doing Star Wars trivia while hunting some people outside berx, and cant type for 5 seconds without being shot at. Maybe when you get to a point where you can visually see the player, the nametag appears? I know theres an entity tag thing where you have to have cross hairs on it to see a name. It would overall create a more realistic pvp environment, and take stealth and strategy to a new level.


    Sarge4id Sarge4id
    This was part of my idea for adding more camo to the armor we have. I wan't this. What point is painting your weapon and wearing camo?