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  • Off Topic Poem :)

    Should I post another poem in the future?

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    Katitude Katitude
    This is a random poem I made on Thursday April 7th, 2016. Constructive feedback is optional as long as the negativity is left out. (Thank you for the time taken to read this. :))

    Bombs are going off
    I’m in the field
    I capitulate and can’t help but think one thing
    Holding on does more damage than letting go

    I’m pushed in the mud
    I can’t run nor rest
    I feel like maybe this is the best
    The opportunity is here, no time to think

    Inhale slowly, no time to cry
    The more I stay alive the more I die inside
    Try to exhale but tears burn down my face
    My eyes are swollen, why can’t I be erased

    I look in the mirror to my true identity
    Please remove all my erring and wrong entities
    I’ve fought back the bad but the bad bites back
    Billowing beyond me, my brain exploding and my mind collapsing on me

    Far in time, I’m still in that rough patch
    After hours in time I’ve been unlatched
    I’ve given a hand and a smile, apparently it’s been there a while
    I chose to grab it, was it worth it

    Three hours of sleep and I can see
    I won’t die in vain, it won’t happen to me
    I don’t have to be free to kill what’s trying to get me
    I need to stay calm, ready and steady

    All I wanted was for the light to reach me
    But god knew I wasn’t weak, he gave me the eyes to see
    By looking past my fears and standing up straight
    That will determine who I am and what I can do
    It will determine my fate

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    New member
    You have written this poem very well, Katitude. You are a very literate person, and I am glad to have seen these types of qualities in a staff member such as you in a server I like to play on all the time. Props, and I hope to see more works written by your creative mind, Kat.