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  • Open Rant on Mental Health


    Katitude Katitude
    Hello HavocMC!

    Recently someone requested that I send one more message to reach 400, so I decided to post a rant on mental health, also partly due to the fact that Bell Talk is supporting the important of mental health today. :)
    This is a general discussion but it has no relevance to HavocMC so if you're interested, feel free to read. (I'll note this was poorly done with a lack of sentence structure and no paraphrase separation so I'm sorry for that)

    Everyone has been through battles we can never see. Each individual reading this will or have experienced the feel of drowning in mental or physical complications and many people end up never being able to feel happy throughout their life faulty of a lack of support. Many of those who read this, I don't know you well; you could be family, friends, or random people. Although I may not have listened to your stories, I do care and you all can privately message me if necessary.This is the day where Bell is donating/helping the mental health issue, which you've most likely seen on Snapchat or the Facebook filter. :p Due to that, I figured it's time to create a simple message to say "I'm here to help" and "Thank you for always fighting your battles". Times can be tough, and trust me I know these things well. It can be extremely difficult just to get out of bed each morning because you physically have no energy for anything, or getting traumatic nightmares that spook you everyday.You may encounter times where a rain of flashbacks hit your mind and your mood just shifts for the entire day. Schoolwork or work in general may pile up and not being able to think doesn't help well. It could be anxieties that force you to stay isolated from society because the pressure adds up, you start to hyperventilate or panic, start shaking, etc. You can't speak to your friends unless they happen to pass by you because of mental illness. It could be in the middle of a stressful test or exam and next thing you know, your body starts twitching uncontrollably from an attack. There are days where you are told to just smile because sometimes fake smiling helps, but does it really? They say to deal with it or find things that make you happy, or to exercise and get plenty of sleep but is it actually that easy? There are moments where you just go emotionally numb with constant distorted thinking and pulling yourself together is a slap in the face. Some people are incapable of receiving help for issues such as this, which is more serious than you can imagine. It isn't a means of being sad and shaking your leg for a few minutes. It's constant torture as the words "You are depressed and crazy" flow through your mind. The attempt to socialize and revolve around your friends is the most difficult process as you go into panic mode with the sense that people are looking at you, judging you, or staring at your flaws. It could be walking down the hallway and thinking when a group of people laugh, it's aimed towards you. Containing mental instability is so strenuous and incredible, which leads me to a message that connects with mental illness. These conditions are serious, and statistics validate 20% of youths alone contain some form of mental illness that eventually ends up destroying your future or even your life in some cases. We can all do something, even if it's going to a random individual in your school and complimenting them; an act as simple as this can make a huge difference. Most of us with these conditions define ourselves as different or we have been labled as having depression, or the girl who has intense anxiety. Labeling is not the way to go whatsoever; when people fight against these mental illnesses, this is a sign that they are strong and incredibly skilled for their fight and battles against themselves and other people every day. These people don't have an illness, they have an admirable feature that allows them to escape and cope in hysterical conflicts that only tear them down. For those who you know have any form of mental illness, ensure they have someone to go to and vent if times get too much.People are encountering these wars with themselves and society everyday, and by letting people know they aren't alone and someone is always there, it can raise their confidence to a large extent. Never give up guys, and stay strong. Don't let what kills you define you; we are strong and what negativity flows within us everyday is not who we are as people; we are warriors and our battle scars define our fights and how we overcame them.