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  • Swear Words


    New member
    So I know that in the server, there are a select few of swear words. However, what I do not understand, is the use of the word "***" being banned? "***" is a word used to distinguish gender and I had received a warning for "Filter Bypass" for trying to explain to people which word it was that was considered "swearing." The helper that gave me the filter bypass was Kaatje_. The word "***" is literally a scientific word and I feel that if that word should be banned then so should other words like "wet," "fire," "damn," etc. I also messaged myself in game seeing what other words were considered swear words and received a warning for "Verbal Abuse." I MESSAGED MYSELF AND RECEIVED THE WARNING. I have nothing else to say. Someone please explain to me how the word "***" is considered a swear word and the word "damn" is not, please.


    Jabaitlyn Jabaitlyn
    Hello! I see you took my advice on making a forums post. I warned you for filter bypass because you bypassed the filter. It doesn't matter if you believe that word shouldn't be filtered, the word is filtered and you bypasses that filter. At the time when I warned you for verbal abuse I didn't realize that you messaged yourself. I apologized right after and got the warn removed so I don't understand why you put that on your forums thread. The reason the word *** is filtered is because the majority of people use it as a bad word or it is used in inappropriate chat, please correct me if I'm wrong.
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    iViper iViper
    Hello! I see you took my advice on making a forums post. I warned you for filter bypass because you bypasses the filter. It doesn't matter if you believe that word shouldn't be filtered, the word is filtered and you bypasses that filter. At the time when I warned you for verbal abuse I didn't realize that you messaged yourself. I apologized right after and got the warn removed so I don't understand why you put that on your forums thread. The reason the word *** is filtered is because the majority of people use it as a bad word or it is used in inappropriate chat, please correct me if I'm wrong.
    I agree. Tough can you make a filter for cancer?.. It isnt even there..
    -Viper The Builder-


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    Hello! I see you took my advice on making a forums post. I warned you for filter bypass because you bypasses the filter. It doesn't matter if you believe that word shouldn't be filtered, the word is filtered and you bypasses that filter. At the time when I warned you for verbal abuse I didn't realize that you messaged yourself. I apologized right after and got the warn removed so I don't understand why you put that on your forums thread. The reason the word *** is filtered is because the majority of people use it as a bad word or it is used in inappropriate chat, please correct me if I'm wrong.
    How can a word be bypassed on the filter if it wasn't blocked XD I get bypassing a word like the F bomb, because that word is already blocked, but if a word wasn't on the block list to begin with, how do we know what words not to use? I could say
    The word "pie" and get muted because someone used the word pie the wrong way....


    Beetley Beetley
    How can a word be bypassed on the filter if it wasn't blocked XD I get bypassing a word like the F bomb, because that word is already blocked, but if a word wasn't on the block list to begin with, how do we know what words not to use? I could say
    The word "pie" and get muted because someone used the word pie the wrong way....
    Damn, Armen. You are such a pie. :eek: