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  • Team Bases & Team Ideas [Re-Mastered] Part 1

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    New member
    The_HX_Gamer The_HX_Gamer
    Yes. This has been suggested so many times. At least that what you think when you first see the title. But atlas, it is not. It is actually a different idea, don't judge a book by the cover, read before replying, please.


    Yes I made the image 100% myself, all good suggestions need a cool image :D, except I didn't make the arrow into target vector, I got that picture online.

    Team Bases

    A team base would basically be a hangout and social area for your team, a team base also has special things you can do there, usually involving something with helping your team.

    Team bases would NOT be on a TDM map, there would be a special thing for them. When you click on the compass in the lobby, one of the things you can click on is the Neighborhood. The neighborhood is where all the team bases are located, to get a team base your team must meet certain standards to receive a Tier One Base. The first step of it of course, is to type the team base command /teambase buy. This would open up a book menu that on the first page would say the base price of a Tier One Base and a 'cancel' and 'accept' button. On the other pages, it would show the requirements to get a team base. To get a team base, your team must have at least 12 players, at least 75k in your team bank (I will go over this later). And your team must have 1 Team Admin, and 1 Team Moderator (again this will be discussed later). A team base costs around 50k to buy, but it's worth it. Once you've bought a team base, you can do /teambase warp. That will warp you to your team base, or if you specify a separate team it will warp to their base. Your team will now own your very own team base.

    Team Base Settings

    For your very own team base you have settings! When you switch from a TMD server (/server neighborhood), it would switch you to your neighborhood inventory. In your ninth slot you will see you have a bone, this bone will be named Settings, if you try to change what slot it is in, it will not let you, if you open up your settings, it will be a chest menu, it will look like this (click on the word "this" to view the link). The book and quill is only if you are a team admin, or the team leader of your team, if your just a member then you will not see this in your team menu, this is where all the base configuration stuff happens, when you click on the book and quill you will see a ton of options, we will start at the top.

    At the very top there would be a brick block named "Tier One Base" this just means your base has not been upgraded to a tier two base. Don't worry, this is ok, since base upgrading is expensive. Fear not, your tier one base does come with a ton of features to keep you occupied you won't even need to think about upgrading! But however, if you would like a nicer exterior look to your building or you just want some new features, I will explain what happens if you click on it. When you click on it, it brings yet another chest menu (I know, so many freaking chest menus), in one slot is a book, named "Info" the lore of the book is the information on your type of base and it's tier, it's usually about a two sentence summary of your house. The next thing in the chest menu is a money sign (the one that is used in crates in TMD servers). The money sign is named "Upgrade" in green and bold, with a gray lore saying "Click to upgrade". When this button is clicked upon, you will be in yet another menu, but this is just a purchase menu, so in the bottom left corner, there is a redstone block named "Decline" and a emerald block in the bottom right corner named "Accept", at the top, there is a book, it's just the info book but for the next tier of your house that you are right about to buy. When you hit accept, your house will be upgraded to the next tier. So if you had a tier four house, and you upgraded it, you would receive a tier five house.

    Next thing, in the very bottom right corner, we have some blaze powder. This one is not as big and is completely cosmetic so I won't spend too much time going over it. The blaze powder would be named "Cosmetics", if you do not know what cosmetics are, they are things that are there, but they do nothing, they are just for show. When you click on this, it opens up a whole cosmetic menu, with things from trails, to particles, to pets. You can unlock these things in crates (very rarely) but you also get them for purchasing ranks, such as you might unlock some stuff in there if you buy V.I.P, of course, there is some Immortal or V.I.P or Godly only stuff in there, this is just so people buy ranks, and the server can grow more :D.

    In the bottom left corner, there is a enchanted paper, named "Team Settings" and just a normal paper right next to it named, "Player Settings". Let's go over the Player Settings, because they are the most simple thing ever, it's pretty much just the Mineplex lobby menu where you choose if you can see people or not, or if you can only see your team, or only see everyone but your team (don't know why you would do it, it's just there). Anyways, back to the real stuff, the Team Settings. The team settings is a whole menu, in the bottom left corner there is a item that looks like a flag (it's really just like barrier or something retextured, so that would have to be added to the resource pack). When you click on it, it opens up a whole menu of things, I'm going to need to give you a picture so you can understand it, so click on this. The first thing in there is "Members can customize the layout" (I'll explain layouts after Team Base Settings, just bear with me.), pretty much this will let members and up customize the layout. The second thing (the spruce wood) is "Moderators can customize the layout" this basically makes it so (yes, again ranks are in a different section) team moderators may customize the layout. The Steve head in there makes it so a member cannot enter the team base without a moderator, admin, or leader. The iron door is for locking your base, so other people that are not in your team cannot enter. The other slots I haven't really thought of anything for them, so they could be "Coming Soon!" slots. Back to the original Team Settings menu, in the top corner there is a player head, named "Team Management" the first row are Steve heads, with the names of your team, second row are X's that are named "Kick", basically if you click on one of these it will kick out said member above of the "Kick" menu, but first it will prompt you with an 'Are you sure you want to do this?' option. In the very bottom left corner we have a "Previous Page" button and across (the bottom right) sits a "Next Page" button. I don't really have to explain what those buttons do, one goes back and one goes forward (technically I just explained it but whatever). The rest of the team settings has to do with ranks, so you'll figure it out later on.

    Team Base Material, Layouts, Types & in-depth Upgrading

    The first section I wrote on upgrading was extremely vague, so I'll go more in-depth on this one. So you already know how to get to the upgrade menu and upgrade it, but you'll find that when you have the right amount of money to upgrade that it says you don't have enough material and opens a screen with a bunch of random materials in it. Why does this happen though? Because you need material to upgrade your base! How do you find material you ask? You find material in chests all over! In all TMD servers and in crates as well there is a chance you'll find some material for a team base. But material isn't Barricades and Barbed Wire, it's things like Wood, Stone, Iron, stuff like that. Let's say you went on a journey to Fox-worth Military Base and you see some Wood in the chest. Your probably confused if you don't know about Team bases, so you click on it and it disappears with a weird dinging noise. You look in chat and it says "You've got 13 wood, in total you have 13 wood now!". Your confused, so you ask the people in chat what's wrong a nice (and handsome) guy named The_HX_Gamer (I wonder who he is) responds and tells you about Team Bases. Now you can create your own team base! Team Base material, however, is not required for buying a Team Base, just for upgrading one. Let's say I'm upgrading to a tier two base, that might take 50 stone, 45 wood, 13 iron and $15,000 (in the team bank). It doesn't really matter what type of base it is (see below), it really just depends on what tier your upgrading in to.

    Layouts are the next thing, layouts are super cool and important to your team base for style. For your team base, if you have permission to build, you can go into Build Mode, and it will let you build in your team base and customize it to your liking. Let's say you and your friends build a party styled team-base, but then you want to try something else, have some more fun building. Wouldn't it be a shame to let your whole party base go to waste? Not with layouts it's not! When you go into your team settings there is an item named "Layouts" when you go in there you will see options to load, save, and delete layouts. If you have a Tier One Base, you can have up to 3 layouts, it goes up by one ever tier. If you hit save, and all your layout slots are full, it asks you if you would like to replace one of your layouts with the new one you are trying to save. There's also an update layout button that allows you to re-save a layout. But let's say you don't know which layout is which, do not fear! Renaming layouts is here (surprisingly that rhymed)! When you click on the layout it gives you the option to rename it, if you do decide to name it, it brings you to an anvil with a name tag in it, whatever you name the name tag, it names the layout, also the swear filter would apply to the name tag.

    Types, types, types. Types are basically what you can do to pretty much give the exterior of your team base a touch of your own (kind of). There are 3 types, Farm, Fort, House. When you go into team settings there is a button named Types & Skins. When you go into there, there is two options you may pick "Types" and "Skins" we are going to talk about Types first. When you go into types, there are the 3 types you may pick, the ones that I named above. When you click on one, it gives you a description of it and gives you an option to use it. Simple right? Now skins are not as simple, skins may be obtained by either crates, VERY RARELY in chests, and sometimes as a reward for completing Hell Night. There are so many skins for each, if you don't know what a skin is, it's basically a different theme for your base. For example, if I had the barn selected and selected a jungle skin, it would like like a jungle barn. Skins also can be bought or are exclusive as a Immortal or VIP only thing. This is basically so you can give exterior even more of your own touch.

    Special Team Base Stuff

    Team bases have their own items you can place down! To get these things, if your in build mode and you do /teambase special. It will open an inventory with a bunch of blocks, they will be in stacks, the number of them stacked is the max number you can have in your base. So if you placed down one thing from a 3 stack, it would now only be two. Special things are saved with Team base layouts. Anyways, let's get on to the fun stuff! The first team base thing is called the Team Showcase, this allows members to put in things they have earned in like TMD as a showcase, it does not take the item away from the player, and players can not take items from the showcase (even if they did, it wouldn't be there when they re-logged in the neighborhood) you can have maximum ONE of these in your team base. Next thing is the team donation box, when you click on it, it opens up a menu with green glass blocks, the first one is named TMD-1 and so on, when you click on one, it opens up the donation box for THAT TMD server, when you click on one of the items that a teammate has put in there, it transfers it to your inventory in the TMD server, if there is no room there, it puts it in your vault, if there's still no room it says "Sorry! You have no room!". Also, for every 2 items you take out, you have to put in one. Next thing is the team store, basically teammates can put in an item and set a certain price and any teammate that comes along who checks it can buy it. Those are all the special team base things I can think of right now.

    Team Bank

    Team bank is not just on the neighborhood, it's also on every TMD server, it's the money you use for team base stuff. Each member can donate up to $5,000 to the team bank daily from each TMD server, if they have unlimited money, they can't use it to donate, they have to use their well earned money that they got legit. How do you donate you ask? /teambank deposit <money>, this deposits the specified amount of money into your team bank. /teambank withdraw <money> withdraws money from your team bank and gives it to you, this command however is only available to people with permission to do this specified by the team leader, also the team leader specifies how much can be withdrawn at a time, however they're is a cool down for changing this because this applies to the team leader as well, so just so he doesn't just change it really quickly so he can withdraw it all and then just change it back to normal. If you want to check how much money your team has, just simply type /teambank balance, and it will show how much your team has, if you specify another team after the word balance it shows their balance.

    This is only Part 1! The thread was more than 20000 characters so I had to split it!
    DrinkYourMilk DrinkYourMilk
    i agree with Zephyy he is very organized and covered everthing people could've said bad about this.
    you have my vote good sir!


    Metalbag Metalbag
    I like how in depth this goes, I think it should be added.
    I agree sir, too in depth. But the bases should just have tents for like the lower tiers, and then the higher should have small cabins like the ones in Valley Forge, and highest tiers should just be the team decided to occupy a building in a city like in Portland or New York('cause who wants all the buildings in Atlanta to be occupied by a whole team).This is a server based on the walking dead, not some easy city survival. I may not watch the walking dead, but I sure know that you can't really get a construction team, and the building blocks should cost a lot and be rare(You should have the highest chance to acquire these items at construction sites). And you should be able to get shipments of items from NPCs, not necessarily chests in the non-apartment-building bases. This would also stop war between teams of "Who gets alexandria" and what not. Also, Upgrading bases should cost more and require way more materials.
    Let's just say the NewLegionV2 wanted to get some food and Armor from Maggie and Glenn and the few of us with infinite money were too lazy to get it ourselves, and we asked for a lot of money. So team admins can order items from safezones via delivery from NPCs, but it would be costly and we'd have to ****** the items so then the big man don't gotta send us rich kids.


    New member
    The_HX_Gamer The_HX_Gamer
    I agree sir, too in depth. But the bases should just have tents for like the lower tiers, and then the higher should have small cabins like the ones in Valley Forge, and highest tiers should just be the team decided to occupy a building in a city like in Portland or New York('cause who wants all the buildings in Atlanta to be occupied by a whole team).This is a server based on the walking dead, not some easy city survival. I may not watch the walking dead, but I sure know that you can't really get a construction team, and the building blocks should cost a lot and be rare(You should have the highest chance to acquire these items at construction sites). And you should be able to get shipments of items from NPCs, not necessarily chests in the non-apartment-building bases. This would also stop war between teams of "Who gets alexandria" and what not. Also, Upgrading bases should cost more and require way more materials.
    Let's just say the NewLegionV2 wanted to get some food and Armor from Maggie and Glenn and the few of us with infinite money were too lazy to get it ourselves, and we asked for a lot of money. So team admins can order items from safezones via delivery from NPCs, but it would be costly and we'd have to ****** the items so then the big man don't gotta send us rich kids.
    This isn't removing the mining dead servers, this is just incorporated, there is a separate world for the neighborhood, also I like your suggestions for the thread :)


    Metalbag Metalbag
    This isn't removing the mining dead servers, this is just incorporated, there is a separate world for the neighborhood, also I like your suggestions for the thread :)
    Thanks. There have been a lot of people saying "OH. THIS ISN'T THE MINING DEAD", So I thought that it'd be nice to see some tent cities that teams own. And I think lots of the things in these Team Bases shouldn't be possible to buy with infinite Money, except for defensive weapons and some cheap building blocks, like wood or perhaps even farmland, 'cause you said there'd be farms(It'd give me another goal, so then I can finally get a team admin, even though I'm just a lieutenant).
    Last edited:


    Metalbag Metalbag
    I really hope that this exact idea for team bases is applied, because most of the other ones are either too overpowered or lame.


    New member
    The_HX_Gamer The_HX_Gamer
    Thanks. There have been a lot of people saying "OH. THIS ISN'T THE MINING DEAD", So I thought that it'd be nice to see some tent cities that teams own. And I think anything in these Team Bases should be possible to buy with infinite Money, except for defensive weapons and some cheap building blocks, like wood or perhaps even farmland, 'cause you said there'd be farms(It'd give me another goal, so then I can finally get a team admin, even though I'm just a lieutenant).
    Yeah, I guess it would be good for players to be able to buy things in the team store with Infinite Money, also I agree with your idea on buying wood and farmland. It'd be cool to have lava and water but people might abuse it and just grief their team's base with it.
    I really hope that this exact idea for team bases is applied, because most of the other ones are either too overpowered or lame.
    I'm really glad you like my idea! This took a total of 6 hours of writing, so I went very in-depth on it, it's longer than this but it was longer than 2000 characters so I had to split it into two parts, you can find the second part in ideas and suggestions as well.


    KumchoVulcho KumchoVulcho
    If we had this people could do build competitions with it, and people could also store items that the team could use Ex: Legendary Guns, Armor, Ammo, Food, etc.


    Metalbag Metalbag
    Well, we should be able to store stuff, but storage should be small, like if I magically transferred my 30-something duffle bags from TMD-4 to my base, I should have a small storage thing that uses them, but also limiting how many storage items I can use for storing stuff at my base.
    So let's say I can use at maximum 10 storage items to store stuff in my farm that stay there. that would be nice so I don't have to carry as many unnecessary duffle bags, and I'd have to pay to transfer them back to another server, or its originating server.


    KumchoVulcho KumchoVulcho
    Well, we should be able to store stuff, but storage should be small, like if I magically transferred my 30-something duffle bags from TMD-4 to my base, I should have a small storage thing that uses them, but also limiting how many storage items I can use for storing stuff at my base.
    So let's say I can use at maximum 10 storage items to store stuff in my farm that stay there. that would be nice so I don't have to carry as many unnecessary duffle bags, and I'd have to pay to transfer them back to another server, or its originating server.
    Exactly what I would say if I didn't waste my life on this game.


    _Nickk _Nickk
    I may have an unpopular opinion here, but I'm not sure I like the idea of a separate "neighborhood" server.

    The last year or so, we've been going too far from the original theme of The Walking Dead (Gun Camos, Jug, etc). I want to give the feel of The Walking Dead back to the server. I do want a way for teams to form bases, but I want it integrated into the general server map, instead of having a separate neighborhood server. Doing this would be hard for a variety of reasons, from people not being online, it turning into factions, and more. Another issue is we currently have 22k teams, so having actual locations on the map would be tough.

    Say we made it require 8 people per team, there are currently 350 teams with 8 people or more. We could add some sort of material or money requirement, along with taking into account inactive teams, and we probably have 100 of those left. From there, if we have 7 servers, and have 10 bases on each, we could have 70 bases, and a bit of competition. So overall, I think it would be cool to have bases on each map, and your team can actually own the bases, and block them off. Perhaps we could then add an upgrading feature, and rather than the generic power system on factions, we could have some sort of shield (Perhaps you pay NPCs to keep your base safe). I'm going to think about it further, but I like the idea of having the bases in the map.
    likebeingawesome likebeingawesome
    I may have an unpopular opinion here, but I'm not sure I like the idea of a separate "neighborhood" server.

    The last year or so, we've been going too far from the original theme of The Walking Dead (Gun Camos, Jug, etc). I want to give the feel of The Walking Dead back to the server. I do want a way for teams to form bases, but I want it integrated into the general server map, instead of having a separate neighborhood server. Doing this would be hard for a variety of reasons, from people not being online, it turning into factions, and more. Another issue is we currently have 22k teams, so having actual locations on the map would be tough.

    Say we made it require 8 people per team, there are currently 350 teams with 8 people or more. We could add some sort of material or money requirement, along with taking into account inactive teams, and we probably have 100 of those left. From there, if we have 7 servers, and have 10 bases on each, we could have 70 bases, and a bit of competition. So overall, I think it would be cool to have bases on each map, and your team can actually own the bases, and block them off. Perhaps we could then add an upgrading feature, and rather than the generic power system on factions, we could have some sort of shield (Perhaps you pay NPCs to keep your base safe). I'm going to think about it further, but I like the idea of having the bases in the map.
    I think that the staff should add a thing where if only 49% or less of the members are on in a month the team gets disbanded