Well I've encounter 3 kinds of players who where able to survive long enough to earn golden barret and jugg. 1 Was camping,using more than 1 ally as backup, 1 was jumping around choosing a uncommon area practicing reflex and skill, and eventually ended up with others players on his team, and 1 others was mostly playing alone, outside berx, just in front of it, shooting players on all sides.
The worse behavior I've saw, was a players who, climbed the white building, then switched server to keep his item and position, while having an another of his friends who use others media to tell him when he should, or not, log back to backs tab someone else.
So lets say that I hate the whole idea of TMD being just pvp related, but while playing I've developed enough skills and reflex to survive such strife! Note also that in the upcoming update, safe zone would be on a rotation system, than mean there would not always be players camping the same area to kill unaware others!
Teaming become a problem, even if there is no friendly fire system related? Lets say it would be hard to ask players not to do it! If we switch the problem on the other side, why would we don't create our own team and have fun? Seriously, I have tried to share thrust to perfect strangers, jumping around, whit them ether ready to backup me or shot in my back, and ended up having such more fun than I've expected! So tell me after, meeting new mate that this game-play doesn't require skill and strategies!
Note also that for every players who where camping, with others members on their team's, or not, I always found a way to counter them
As example, players become rudely equipped and hard to kill? Then I've switched to kit hunter, players gather outnumbered in smaller area, I then chose the kit heavy. Players start sniping, il switch then to kit sniper!... and so on! Even kit scout if worthy after some practice! The only one I don't understand how to be good with is the kit who lend an AK47!
Also, the map is large enough that if you ended up not knowing where to spawn because of campers or others reason like over skilled and equipped players. Either jump in others exit, use /random spawn, or play in the opposite direction
The only problem who stay on tmdprc-1, is that he is not meant to be used by new players. It require such efforts and training just to be good with one kit, that I've saw many new players just quit because they got bored of being head shot as soon as they start playing, or end up thinking they are not skilled enough so they just leave. As a correction, I suggest to specify on server description that the practice server is for experienced players! That way I hope we will less likely lose new players to old others who either abuse of the one who lack in experience, or camp in one of the few "random" spawn area waiting their next victim!
Hint : keyboard key "c" create a zoom! So mixed up with a gun, turn it onto a double zoom feature! That way you'l be able to sniper snipers!! It work