Hi, so for a very long time I have wanted to have a gamemode on tmd that is very much like the old tmd hardcore gamemode, with no tp'ing or sz's etc. but to have things like teams and an environment that can be manipulated, I have recently discovered that I am not alone in this desire and have spent a few hours brainstorming with a few like minded players on some ideas and possibilities for this gamemode, not only this but we have considered how to make this gamemode profitable for havoc because lets be honest why would you put work into a new gamemode if there was no possibility of making a profit from it, it doesn't make sense, attached is a document listing some of the ideas that as a group we came up with, this list was made after we were brainstorming so some of the ideas were missed off, i'd like to put it to the community to add to this list in the comments and would love to see this gamemode implemented into havoc, just to clarify I am not suggesting we change the current tmd gamemode, but suggesting we add a new more realistic zombie apocalypse type gamemode, kind of like a rust/minecraft/walking dead fusion
the list of ideas is attached to the thread
the list of ideas is attached to the thread