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  • Towny Ranks


    New member
    Hello Comrades!

    Ive noticed a few gaps in towny ranks that would be extremely useful if filled. ranks such as Co-Mayor and builder are missing altogether

    Also in the Towny permissions it is impossible to limit resident building/destroying permissions without also limiting the assistant rank because they appear to be grouped under the same permission set.

    So a mayors choices are to either A. Claim every town area and add all town officers as friends or
    B. Have building disabled/enabled for everyone which runs the risk of getting Griefed.

    Would it be possible to alter the permission sets or differentiate the ranks so that town officers can build and destroy without granting every member of the town the same privileges?


    mindblaster007 mindblaster007
    I’d like to see a system where town owners can change those permissions on all roles to their liking and needs. I would also like to see a feature where you can zone certain areas of the town that you can add players or a rank to that area and what they can do in said area.