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  • Weekly News 8/14 - 8/21


    BenGermann BenGermann

    Hello everyone. We have a relatively short news post this week, but it still has some important details that need to be announced. Let's get into it shall we?

    TMD Fixes
    Along with working on Hell Night some small fixes have been made to TMD. Some of these fixes are:
    - Fixed TP bug where players could teleport to spectators.
    - Tightened shotgun accuracy which should make damage more consistent.
    We are still hard at work fixing and improving the server so more fixes will be soon to come.

    Hell Night
    Hell Night is getting closer and closer to being finished everyday. Hell Night has now entered it's internal testing phase so the wait will soon be over. We appreciate everyone's patience with us as we know that this is a popular gamemode that many people enjoy.

    Map Maker Contest

    The new Map Maker Contest is here! The theme is terrain and it will last until September 9th. Prizes are as follows:
    1st Place: $100 Shop Voucher
    2nd Place: $50 Shop Voucher
    3rd Place: $25 Shop Voucher
    4th & 5th Place: $10 Shop Voucher

    Summer Sale
    Our Summer Sale is nearly over, make sure you visit our shop by clicking here before the sale ends!

    That about wraps up this weekly news post, come back next week for the next set of announcements!
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    Montu151 Montu151
    Good but you didn't mention
    -progress on other bugs
    -new mm contest
    -possible release date on hn
    Since Declan quit, the owners wil have to work extra hard because the server has seen more dead without him :(


    ATK_AlphaPVP ATK_AlphaPVP
    Good but you didn't mention
    -progress on other bugs
    -new mm contest
    -possible release date on hn
    Since Declan quit, the owners wil have to work extra hard because the server has seen more dead without him :(

    (First , English is not my first language so sorry for my bad grammar..)

    You know why the server is dead ??? he is not dead because XDeclanLee quit , he is dead because of declanlee , he ruined the server , you want to fight riot in front of berx ? you can't , because they have xDeclanLee if front of berx full jugg with 10 other full jugg , then you want to fight at prison in riot for kill other riot camping in a tower , You can't , xDeclanLee and his 10 other full jugg fanboy army are coming to ruin your fun and ruin the mining dead
    In his video he say "It's not fun for me" "it's just not fun anymore" , it's not fun for him , he is always full jugg , never alone , always with 5 other full jugg minimum

    Oh ,you know why the server is dead too ?
    Because of the staff , You can get ban without any proof , you can connect one day and play , and the next day get ban for "tracer or minimap" without any proof
    I get ban for that just because i guess where was the guy , i kill him and he say "huhh u have tracer recorded"
    Hmm ok ? i get ban without screenshare , i will ask to staff if i can.. Nope ! Mackiie ban me , and she can't screenshare me , she ban a lot of people and she don't want to screenshare peoples and when you asking to other staff member they say "Huh I can't help you , you have to talk with Mackiie" (sorry other staff member but i wait like 15 hour on your teamspeak and when a staff member came , he say that to me so..) I get unban , Mackiee say "I'm sorry for that ...) i understand she think that was a good proof ok ok no problem

    You know my friend ATK_SkyKush ? he get perm ban for "macro or autoclick" (withtout any screenshare as usual by mackiie) then he asking to be screenshare , no response
    So i'm like Oh ok , so if u have "hack" you can get perm ban , that the rule , ok ok
    But why a lot of people are unban 1 mouth after get banned ?? Why Mackiie say to SkyKush "you will never get unban" ?? why she said that ?? because of xDeclanLee , xDeclanlee hate him
    Ok , you want an other exemple ?
    you know HoneyAloo , he don't very play anymore but that was titan , and one day he 1v1 xDeclanlee and xDeclanlee spotted an autoclick , then the staff screenshare Honeyaloo , they found autoclick , hmm ok ? and he didnt get ban -_-
    the staff say to him "If u un-instal this , we wont ban you"
    Whaaaat ??? so why my friend don't get screenshare and get perm ban And honeyaloo don't get ban ?
    i don't have problem with Mackiie or other staff member , but if your xDeclanLee or someone very liked by everyone on the server , it's cool you can't get ban
    but if you are hated by most of people on the server , you can get ban easily
    it's why the server is "dead" xDeclanLee ruin it.


    Murderable Murderable
    Good but you didn't mention
    -progress on other bugs
    -new mm contest
    -possible release date on hn
    Since Declan quit, the owners wil have to work extra hard because the server has seen more dead without him :(

    Hello JacksonPanda,

    I am just going to clarify what lateralization had announced, it seems like you didn't read it in depth.
    First of all, Literalization mentioned that the owners and the staffs are working hard fixing additional bugs that can have impacts on the server. Consequently, the car glitch and other bugs will be fixed as well.

    Second of all, he again mentioned that there is a new MM contest which the theme will be terrain and will last until September 9th. Prizes are as follows:
    1st Place: $100 Shop Voucher
    2nd Place: $50 Shop Voucher
    3rd Place: $25 Shop Voucher
    4th & 5th Place: $10 Shop Voucher

    Finally, there isn't an exact date but he mentioned that Hellnight has now entered its internal testing stage and will be released very soon.

    Thank you.


    Well-known member
    Draw4 Draw4
    "Tightened shotgun accuracy which should make damage more consistent."

    Wouldn't this make shotguns even more op? Hello... I thought people wanted the shotgun to be nurfed?!


    New member
    Hello JacksonPanda,

    I am just going to clarify what lateralization had announced, it seems like you didn't read it in depth.
    First of all, Literalization mentioned that the owners and the staffs are working hard fixing additional bugs that can have impacts on the server. Consequently, the car glitch and other bugs will be fixed as well.

    Second of all, he again mentioned that there is a new MM contest which the theme will be terrain and will last until September 9th. Prizes are as follows:
    1st Place: $100 Shop Voucher
    2nd Place: $50 Shop Voucher
    3rd Place: $25 Shop Voucher
    4th & 5th Place: $10 Shop Voucher

    Finally, there isn't an exact date but he mentioned that Hellnight has now entered its internal testing stage and will be released very soon.

    Thank you.
    uhh.. Terrain? Example?


    ATK_AlphaPVP ATK_AlphaPVP
    Hello Legendary_Crate,

    I believe terrain refers to land scaping. For example, mountains, rivers, small caverns and anything land/nature related.
    I will link some examples below as well.



    Georgia don't have terrain like this , in real life georgia is flat , so you can't do terrain like this


    JBentley694 JBentley694
    Georgia don't have terrain like this , in real life georgia is flat , so you can't do terrain like this

    We may not have mountains as extreme in those screen shots but we Georgians do have mountains and valleys and waterfalls.


    Now whoever can make this beautiful part of Georgia will have no problem winning the MM contest :)


    MrMe5303 MrMe5303
    Hopefully MineWars and MineWars conquest will get more attention after TMD is fixed and Hell Night released...
    ChrisHansen69420 ChrisHansen69420
    Spoiler : HN possibly wont be fixed before Mythic rank is done being able to get in leg crates cuz HN make leg crates way ez to get