
Hello everyone, today we have upgraded to our new website! Don't worry though, The Mining Dead isn't going anywhere! It is now one of our gamemodes under one big network, called HavocMC. All of your ranks, items, stats, etc are transferred. The reason we did this is so we could expand past The Mining Dead gamemode. With the name HavocMC, we can add more stuff, such as Mine Wars, and another gamemode we added today, Banner Wars!
If you have any questions relating to the network rebranding, click here.
We have also updated cosmetics! A news post will be coming soon.
What is Banner Wars?
Banner Wars is a game mode consisting of 4 teams. Each team has up to 10 players, and they all spawn on the team's base, which is usually some sort of floating island. Each team has a banner at their base.
The goal of the game is to be the last team with a banner. If your banner is captured by another player, who returns it to their banner, at their base, your team is eliminated, and all players on your team are killed. You just have to walk over the banner to take it, and when you kill a banner holder, the banner they were holding is placed on the ground. In order to return your banner, you must kill the person who is holding it, and walk over it when it is on the ground.
Each base has a mine and a shop, to get items. When you mine gold and diamond from your base, it doesn't drop, but instead is added your your balance. Gold is worth $1, and diamond is worth $5. When you die, if somebody killed you, they get 10% of your money, and you lose 10%. If you were killed by something else, you keep all of your money. You can get items from the villager shop on your base, buy purchasing stuff with the money you have obtained.
When you play Banner Wars, you earn coins. Depending on your donator rank, you can get anywhere from 5%-30% more coins. These coins can be spent on kits. There are 14 different kits at the moment, most of them with multiple tiers that you can upgrade to. You are given your kit items every time your respawn, unlike your other items, which drop. There are also 50%, 75%, and 100% coin boosters that are available over on our store. Boosters last for 1 hour, and apply to all games that are started while the booster is active. If a booster is active, you can tip the person who applied it with /tip, or by clicking on the tip message displayed in chat periodically. When you tip somebody, they get 100 coins, and you get 25.
Below are some stunning maps, built by our very own builders, so make sure to thank them if you see them.
Created by 55NavyBoy
Created by HavocMC Build Team
Created by Gamerrizz
Izambane Islands
Created by HavocMC Build Team
Created by 55NavyBoy

Created by HavocMC Build Team

Created by Gamerrizz

Izambane Islands
Created by HavocMC Build Team

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