First off I’d just like to touch on a few ideas mentioned that I agree with:
Clans: This would be a great opportunity to widen the community, competition, and encourage players to cooperate with each other more. Initially, a guild could be created for 10 people and cost let’s say 50k to establish. And I agree with Alkruel - one should be allowed to invite more than just 10 people to a guild. Intervals of 25k per 10 additional member slots seems reasonable enough, though I say shouldn’t be any more than 50 people MAX in a clan. Unless of course Mine Wars magically becomes the next best gamemode in all the Minecraft Universe. Anyways, one of my biggest dreams before deciding to quit was to create a massive clan and take over a city or claim a specific territory. With the application of Clans, the possibilities are limitless.
Monthly Bonuses: Yes, absolutely. TMD has them, why not be implemented to MW? I was considering Legendary Crates (depending on what rank you are) would be sensible.
VIP-Champion = 1
Legend-Titan = 2
Mythical = 3
OR perhaps a variant of
/kits in a sense, which doesn't make one too overpowered yet still gives them a slight advantage or convenience.
Ex.) 1 Tusken Cycler, 1 Mandalorian Sniper, 1 DC-15a, 1 R80 Microblaster, 1 quarterstaff, 6 thermal detonators and 10 gold coins.
(with the kits being somewhat better/worse as you go up/down in the ranks)
Adding “secrets” or “Easter eggs” rather to the maps: One thing that I particularly enjoyed doing when there was nothing better to do on Mine Wars was to go around the map and seek out secret/hidden areas. There are several creative hidden areas scattered throughout Tatooine, and I find myself revisiting them all the time. I know it’s not the first priority, but please, please be sure to consider taking the time to add them as they do enhance the experience.
“King of the Hill”: Ooooh yeah. This would be SOOO much fun. Okay, this was actually one the major ideas I had in mind and scraped my plans for, but think about the huge Library in Bestine for example. Not only does it closely resemble the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but the structure alone is also PERFECT for a Capture-Defend type minigame. If such a building had a designated area on the map where clans of Jedi/Sith could wage war against each other in an attempt to see who can outnumber/overpower the other side to keep it under control, that would be pretty neat.
My additional Ideas:
1.) I’ve already made a message on the #Suggestions channel of Havoc’s Discord covering this topic, but would like to bring it up here again briefly.
Here’s the thing:
Mine Wars is a relatively difficult gamemode with several complex features for nearly all newcomers to understand. Naturally, this causes them to frequently ask questions about the game mechanics and such in chat, which avid players may find simple but do not always wish to answer or, better yet, do not and cannot supply the rookies with an adequately detailed enough answer for their needs. Then,
it becomes very easy for new players to want to quit, as they cannot seem to interpret how the game works, and therefore surely will not find it enjoyable. And it’s not only the average players who are affected, I also couldn’t help but notice this issue also seems to be discouraging YouTubers from playing (and instead switch to something a little more simple).
Taking this into consideration, I see three possible solutions here:
a.) Mine Wars could seriously use a more extended "tutorial" in some shape or form, as clearly many important questions from confused people about the game's logic are going unanswered. I'm aware there are helpful guides on the forums that can answer many of the typical questions asked, but new players just simply don't have enough sense to do that. Instead, what I think would really help effectively solve this concern would be to have a
better & more detailed tutorial before allowing players to embark on their own. Perhaps a sort of instructive guidance animation/slideshow that takes them from place to place, with text displayed, and covers many of the FAQ/basic logic ahead-of-time.
b.) Make a /warp to a room that lists the FAQ, and offers proper explanations.
** c.) Use a
plugin that many other servers utilize where helpful tips are publicly displayed in chat every few minutes or so. Along with this, provide links to a forum guide or two.
2.) I believe I’ve seen this idea somewhere before, but feeding off of what __Virus requested to have more quests, I would highly recommend the addition of an
NPC in the bigger cities (like Mos Eisley) if not all of them
who you can do daily quests for in order to earn cosmic credits or something.
Conquest should grant rewards, but not something too-too beneficial in-game. I would say, to keep it nice and simple, just simply award 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place with Cosmic Credits only.
1st = 6 diamond coins
2nd = 3 diamond coins
3rd = 1 diamond coin
4th = 8 gold coins
5th = 4 gold coins
The only inevitable downside of this of course is that people will get jealous if they do not get in the top places.
Now in terms of current known in-game bugs…
This post is long enough at this point, so if someone or staff are interested then please PM me and I can list some I’m aware of in detail. There are quite a few important ones actually, and it would be quite unfortunate if they were not resolved after the update.
Anyways, one part of me will be sad for a really long time that I won’t be seeing the new Mine Wars

. But nevertheless, I hope this “essay” helped somewhat or at least gave you guys something to ponder on. I’d also like to encourage anyone else who thinks they have an idea to present it.
@JR The build team have been working on new maps for a while now, and they have recently gained a few more builders so hopefully that means more progress will be made towards finishing Endor/Hoth and all the coding.
Also: I would like to restate what Lateralization said, “Try to keep your suggestions contained within one post…” Unless of course someone should respond to a reply about their message or something of that sort, it would be nice if this thread could be kept relatively organized with each individual’s own ideas on what could be added to Mine Wars and that way it is easier to see

. Cheers.