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  • The Mining Dead Seasons Update


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    Pretty a lot of servers reset bans 10x more often than this server and they're well and alive and lots of the banned players come back to play and to be legit and spend money on the server aswell, if you think it's a bad choice then that is your opinion but you don't need to try and trash the server for giving some people another chance.
    Firstly, he has every right to disagree with you, I don't see what the big deal is. (and there it is again, telling him to "hop off" because he doesn't agree with you.) Secondly, we are not those "other servers." We are Havoc. Who cares if the other servers do ban resets, that doesn't affect this server. Also, take into consideration that those other servers most likely have a) more dedicated/active staff b) a server that isn't constantly broken and c) a banned playerbase that's actually able to learn their lesson. Look at Havoc now: we don't have any of those. In retrospect, unbanning people who were perm banned for a reason do not deserve to get their Get Out of Jail Free card just to come back and hack again, especially with the new Seasons update. You don't have to agree with what I'm saying, I'm just expressing the obvious. No need to get mad or anything.



    Jahango Jahango
    Firstly, he has every right to disagree with you, I don't see what the big deal is. (and there it is again, telling him to "hop off" because he doesn't agree with you.) Secondly, we are not those "other servers." We are Havoc. Who cares if the other servers do ban resets, that doesn't affect this server. Also, take into consideration that those other servers most likely have a) more dedicated/active staff b) a server that isn't constantly broken and c) a banned playerbase that's actually able to learn their lesson. Look at Havoc now: we don't have any of those. In retrospect, unbanning people who were perm banned for a reason do not deserve to get their Get Out of Jail Free card just to come back and hack again, especially with the new Seasons update. You don't have to agree with what I'm saying, I'm just expressing the obvious. No need to get mad or anything.

    I never said he had to agree at all, but he also doesn't need to just come at me every post lol and "there it is again telling him to hop off" why can't I tell someone to hop off ? there is nothing wrong with that. Ya we are havoc.. and those servers are successful who reset bans and even my friends have been banned on them and they regretted it but when the bans reset we all played it again.. thats like 5-10 people already back on one server, it brings friend groups together and more players to the server again. And they said 6+ or more was reset not just kids who just got banned like 1 week ago... HALF A YEAR. I agree with them getting stuff done quicker and that is why those servers are more successful but if we want to be successful too then we can learn from what they do aswell. I'm not mad and I'm okay with people disagreeing but, all i said was I think the ban reset was a good idea and this kid has to tell me things i've already heard a million times why it "isnt good" but either way he can disagree and I can see why. but you'd want your buddies unbanned if its been half a year, like I said it brings players back and not all are hackers thats just what you assume.


    seuboi seuboi
    >>search for the last dozens of posts
    >>every damn topic about pvping, spams etc etc
    >>"wooow I've never told anyone to shut down u guys are overreacting"

    why can't I tell someone to hop off ? there is nothing wrong with that.

    Also, unbanning all the cheaters, scammers and flammers is hell of nice way to decrease toxicity :rolleyes:. How will this increases game quality when they get online and flaming /s, cheating, scaming, hoping to tmd-pve to disrupt other ppl trying to have fun?


    Trial Builder
    general2673 general2673
    Ok @seuboi and @Jahango obviously you guys don't see eye to eye with this idea. Both of you brought up some good points.
    Jahango, you said you know of players that got banned, got unbanned and returned to play legit.
    Seuboi, you said it will cause toxicity and ruin the experience for other players.

    Can we not just say you guys are both right and move on? There's bound to be some players that come back and play legit, hell most might, and of course there will be toxicness in the server. It's havoc. I don't particularly agree with this idea as it's risky, but if it pays of then we get more players, plain and simple. This move is to increaei the player count, not decrease toxicity.


    Jahango Jahango
    Ok @seuboi and @Jahango obviously you guys don't see eye to eye with this idea. Both of you brought up some good points.
    Jahango, you said you know of players that got banned, got unbanned and returned to play legit.
    Seuboi, you said it will cause toxicity and ruin the experience for other players.

    Can we not just say you guys are both right and move on? There's bound to be some players that come back and play legit, hell most might, and of course there will be toxicness in the server. It's havoc. I don't particularly agree with this idea as it's risky, but if it pays of then we get more players, plain and simple. This move is to increaei the player count, not decrease toxicity.
    i've moved on, and i'm not the one who started it tbh, this kid does not hop off like I said.


    seuboi seuboi
    Ok @seuboi and @Jahango obviously you guys don't see eye to eye with this idea. Both of you brought up some good points.
    Jahango, you said you know of players that got banned, got unbanned and returned to play legit.
    Seuboi, you said it will cause toxicity and ruin the experience for other players.

    Can we not just say you guys are both right and move on? There's bound to be some players that come back and play legit, hell most might, and of course there will be toxicness in the server. It's havoc. I don't particularly agree with this idea as it's risky, but if it pays of then we get more players, plain and simple. This move is to increaei the player count, not decrease toxicity.

    I've tried to tone down the toxicity and, tbh, the last time I've been doing it was during this update implementation. It's really frustrating to see how things can swiftly drift away; I even felt shameful when logged in today to see that a lot of crappy bugs were solved.
    But these things that happens here in the forums are completely different, ppl tend to overly emphasize their own subjectivities to the point were they think they're better than anyone else. To them I have nothing more than pitty, I try to put my point of views but it's rather useless when you're locked down to your own selfishness (aka OGs) lewl. Welp, ignored anyways.


    JillTyrell JillTyrell
    I know the staff have work hard on new servers but the server used to be so popular. Is there any way you can bring back the original map and gameplay because that’s what made tmd so good and I’m sure if it came back then the old players would too.
    Guardianblade Guardianblade
    You remind me of the "both choices same outcome"; if they do something, you rage about it; if they don't do it, you still rage.

    Perfecto community, clap and hats to you.


    PogItsThunder40 PogItsThunder40
    i agree were it says make a server for noobs instead of nerfing the whole server :p
    Is there a way for you to make a server only accessible to certain players? Because if there wasn't, maybe some more experienced players (I'm not saying anyone WOULD, but hey, you never know.) might raid the server and shoot the new guys. Or make a rank only available for a 1 month duration, [Rookie]. If you bought it, however, it would set your previous rank down by one (from [Mythical] --> [Rookie] --> [Titan]) to keep certain players away from it. [Rookie] would be free. Only purchasable three times. Each time resets you back.

    ja or nein?


    New member
    I can'tt get on the server because im glitched in the sky and keep getting kicked if a member of staff is on can you please teleport me to the ground please.


    Cactiee Cactiee
    Is there a way for you to make a server only accessible to certain players? Because if there wasn't, maybe some more experienced players (I'm not saying anyone WOULD, but hey, you never know.) might raid the server and shoot the new guys. Or make a rank only available for a 1 month duration, [Rookie]. If you bought it, however, it would set your previous rank down by one (from [Mythical] --> [Rookie] --> [Titan]) to keep certain players away from it. [Rookie] would be free. Only purchasable three times. Each time resets you back.

    ja or nein?
    how old are you.... i spent 4 million tmd dollar for a 100$ rank and you said make it 1 month? go bust a nut fam.

    If us old raid yall newbies. GREAT



    PogItsThunder40 PogItsThunder40
    Curbie, hear me out.
    First off, this new rank was meant as access for new players to practice their skills. The rank Rookie would be used for access to that specific server, along with all others. The only rank with an expiration is Rookie. All others would remain lifetime.
    Second, I'm removing the idea of the rank setdown. That may have caused some toxicity, as Curbie made clear.
    Thirdly, this was an idea to bring in new players so they won't be blindsided when they enter the server for the first time. Speaking of blindsided....

    That was probably the stupidest move you could've done, people. Add the bad pains again. LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE AND GIVE THEM TMD-OP! THIS CANNOT BE STRESSED ENOUGH!
    Going against the community is sure to get negative feedback, along with killing the player count, to add. As I write this, the player count is currently 30 players online. TMD is the life of Havoc, and you've made a terrible decision by not adding what THE MAJORITY OF US WANT!
    Anyone is welcome to help get havoc back to good player counts. My plan (Say aye if you agree)
    1. Remove spammable painkillers. All other medical items can remain as is. Add good painkillers, again, with cooldowns.
    2. Add TMD-OP. For any original players left, this is your ideal gamemode, correct? Everything like 1.7. Painkillers, medkits, and weapons as they were in 1.7.
    3. Get. Your. Priorities. Straight.

    4. Advertise, advertise, ADVERTISE!
    5. Havoc player counts are at a safe level, balance is good, community is happy, conflicts resolved until the next problem shows.

    Any with me, say: AYE!
    Any against, say: NAY!
    I wasn't there for the glory days, but I heard they were great. Lets get those player counts back to our current day.