My older posts are proof that I haven't always been the smartest person alive.
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I like pie.Sleep__AwayThanks mate.Follow me :dBeetleyWhere to?Hey beets its a me Mario ThomasBeetleyHey-a.Unable to play on the server for a week, apologies!i liek triansdrewey09Trians i liekHey, I'm lazy, is the server being updated yet? I gave away all of my stuff on server 3 lol.BeetleyI am unsure as to when the update is. It will be soon though.As a human I can say that all humans are liars.ArmenTheHeliAs an attack helicopter, you can trust me <3I submitted!BeetleyYay! Good luck!'SupPromotion: 20th November 2016, 8:59 AM, AEST.The 140 character limit is driving me crazy.