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Best staff member <3You can't see me on discord. Because I don't have it. OoooooooooohhhhhhhI saw you on DiscordIm in bed at 12:30 and am wondering if since your name is Beetley does that mean you like beets?ArmenTheHeliim interested owohappy birthday :dSr. ModWavy_Buster.o.If you guys need to contact me, the best way to do so is my profile on these forums, or discord (Beetley#2955)JJamesJamshm, okay! I might also search on youtube later, thank you so much for helping me out on both of my questions! The banner wars things apparently needed mines for it to be submitted, and i have never made a map like that before, but thanks for the advice either way!
I hope you have a great day!BeetleyHello!Was I here, or was I there- Junior Moderationer - -