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woah kat? still helper??? you deserve Jr Mod so so much! crossing my fingers you get it sometime, keep up the good work!! <3Vertical_KittensYou called it#MAKEKATAMODHi Kat. When they will add airplanes?KatitudeThat sounds like a fun idea, suggest it here: I was told by most staff the average waiting time on applications was 2-3 weeks. I've been waiting nearly 3x as long with no response. Please help me...KatitudePatience is the key.I was perm muted I'm sorry please unmute meVertical_KittensWhy did you get perm muted?dude i got banned from this server
i dont want to leave this server i think this server is awesome but i got banned for using kill aura and i dont even know what that is!
KatitudeIf you were banned from the server, appeal here: Department: Player Appeals. (Be sure to include proper grammar so your appeal is readable and be honest if you were hacking. If you were not and believe a staff member has falsely banned you, politely explain why your punishment should be revoked and include some form of evidence showing your innocence.Veorra. <3Kattitude has some bad attitude - polar 2k16 build servaPolarDynastyTokbrakat when u buy a rank do have to wait a week cuz I think I got scammed by fbyoyoKatitudeI'm going to send you a private message about this so it can be dealt with.Kat, can u fALLOW ME BAKKK BROOOPolarDynastyPlease -