Aaaaaaaaaaaaah why'd you change your name =(
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can you help with the sith tutorial my friend cant play nowKatitude"Go back to the main base and log out, if he has already accepted the mission, he might be able to cancel it somehow. Go back and accept the mission. I had that problem the first time I ever did that mission in the tutorial, and the issue was I just had to relog and reaccept the mission." ~Staff member 2k16hi
Its Me _SlayingNinjaHD_ but now xSpeedSnipe I hope you remember me Becuase I got banned for Being an alt to kingal66 who was a hacks :c
Pls if you can, can you help me get unbaned Thx.KatitudeIf it hasn't been viewed, I appreciate your patience until a Jr Mod+ can handle it.May i talk to you miss?KatitudeSure, just privately message me.i have the best idea ever!!!!KatitudeWhat is it?Sorry to bother you, but last night I only played with kyo, frightful, and lonespace (plus a couple others) and you banned me for benefiting. The only way I see this as possible is if that guy xfare was hacking. But Chvf and I were just hanging out with him cuz we felt bad for the noob.KatitudeOoh, I remember now. Hold up and I'll message you privately about this.U Really need to watch appeal 2pacca i'm shaking for an answerKatitudeIt was handled.'Sup Kat!KatitudeHello.Your welcome for the promotionCongratulations!KatitudeThank you.Congrats!KatitudeThank you.Didn't see till now but congrats on Jr Mod. (I hope that's not a mistake on the website)KatitudeThank you. -