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    1. K

      Team commands

      I would suggest implementing a /team kick command into TMDO-1, it is nearly essential for a a team based server to have a command to export players off the team. If you accidentally invite someone their is no way of getting them off the team.
    2. K

      Anti cheat

      You added a console anti cheat, it is very good at detecting except it doesn't ban players.... - https://gyazo.com/534afdc6cd158e7a5865b1dbbc2d4577 Console says yes lets ban this player... but player doesn't receive the ban.
    3. K


      Would highly suggest implementing an anti cheat.... One like Watchdog that detects bhop, killaura, and click speed and bans instantly..... Also, an anticheat that spawns a bot following them while flying detecting killaura....
    4. K

      Bike pvp

      Please for the love of god ban Bike Pvp... It is enormously stupid.. when you don't have the ability to break a differnet players bike you physically can't kill someone when their on a bike... Players can go around a map weaving and barely get hit, this just ruins the whole level of competitive...
    5. K


      This is more of a bug but I would suggest implementing this into the server.. I would suggest upgrading your anti-cheat to prevent this... this hack involves going into free cam and tping to a player anywhere in the map. This is very over powered and many players have been using it, causing mass...
    6. K

      Team chat / Msg's

      I would highly recommend re-implementing team chat, I started playing around a year ago, and team chat was perfectly fine, but for the last 3-4 months either team chat has been taken out, or they don't realize it is broken.. Team chat is essential for making a solid team with high levels of...