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    1. DragonDefenders

      Kit Cooldowns

      Get rid of them or keep them?
    2. DragonDefenders

      Infinite Money

      Ok just wanted to say that when a player runs out of there 100k money to spend a day it spams them with "You've already spent 100k today, so you will use your normal balance" just wanted to mention it
    3. DragonDefenders


      So this is a new post and I saw this somewhere on the forums but what if hey took like 5-10 people for them to test the new system and they can report glitches, bugs, and their opinion?
    4. DragonDefenders

      Infinite Money

      Infinite Money should stay the same!! I think this would ruin the game because we are used to the old system. By doing this you might be killing majority of your players that do have infinite. Because you are rushing to many changes at once it might be hard for og gamers to adjust like me.
    5. DragonDefenders

      Infinite Money

      Don't remove infinite money because some players paid for legendary crates and some were lucky enough to get infinite money, I bought 30 legendary crates and was lucky enough to get infinite money so itt would be rude to get rid of something the players bought for.