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    1. _AManHasNoName_

      Is the voting system fair? For me not...

      Hello community! At the moment I feel a bit pranked from the staff itself. Problem: I voted every day 5 times so far, but I am not mentioned on top 10 voters of this month. Have a look on the pic and tell me how the heck this is possible. In theory I got 25 votes. I have no idea, WTF is...
    2. _AManHasNoName_

      Server Livemap Fixed!

      That is what I am waiting for ages! But I fixed this problem already! Instead of using the (not working :() livemap, I downloaded LiteLoader1.10.2 and VoxelMap. I walked around almost the ENTIRE :D map and set checkpoints of nearly every city and town :eek:. Pictures: Different colors...
    3. _AManHasNoName_

      FAST HELP NEEDED! Confusion about vote link 1!

      Hello community! This month I want to become #1 of the voters :), but I keep having problems with the vote 1 link:eek:. I tried to vote on it and it said: Try again in 10 minutes I waited 10 minutes and tried again, then it Said: Try in again . I just waited another minute and tried again...
    4. _AManHasNoName_

      How long does it take, until I get my stuff that someone bought in shop?

      Just wanna how long it does take until you receive your crates when you purchased them in the shop.
    5. _AManHasNoName_

      Hey guys! :D

      Hey dear community! I am playing on this server since 1 week, so why not introducing myself :)! Some facts about me: - Age:15, Gender:Male, Country:Germany, Region:Bavaria -I like gaming and tactical board games (e.g. Zombicide, Civilization) -I hate PvP and like it to be in teams (you can...
    6. _AManHasNoName_

      New Gamemode: "Onslaught of the undead" (OOTU)

      Hello dear community! In this thread I want to present you a cool gamemode, that I think would fit in great on this server. So what is this gamemode about? In the gamemode OOTU survivors have to defend theirself against huge hordes of zombies, To win the game all 10-20 players have to...
    7. _AManHasNoName_

      Staff member bonus?!?!?

      Hello! I have a question? Do staff members get special things on the server, like crates or money,? And what exactly are builders and helpers getting? Thx for an answer