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  • 400k Give Away The Mining Dead Giving Back To The Community.


    New member
    Okay I would like to introduce my self my name Is HarambaeIzSalty On HavocMC I recently just got infinite money again but already had it so I have 1 million cash I'm giving back to the community by doing a 1 Million Cash in game money on The Mining Dead comment your IGN like this post and favorite it and spread the word about it and friend request me! We will choose a winner next week good luck and stay cool guys! And if you want to find me on TDM I'm usual on Server 3 on TDM. And here is proof if you don't believe me I'm doing a 1 Million Dollar give away! https://gyazo.com/cb5dc588fedde3055e51dc8fc29dabb5 (MOVED UP TO 1 MILLION DOLLAR GIVEAWAY! Thanks to Mackiee <3)
    I need to know how to favor this to enter the giveaway


    Knightas Knightas
    What if you can't be on the sever and you win do you just pay it any way??
    Okay I would like to introduce my self my name Is HarambaeIzSalty On HavocMC I recently just got infinite money again but already had it so I have 1 million cash I'm giving back to the community by doing a 1 Million Cash in game money on The Mining Dead comment your IGN like this post and favorite it and spread the word about it and friend request me! We will choose a winner next week good luck and stay cool guys! And if you want to find me on TDM I'm usual on Server 3 on TDM. And here is proof if you don't believe me I'm doing a 1 Million Dollar give away! https://gyazo.com/cb5dc588fedde3055e51dc8fc29dabb5 (MOVED UP TO 1 MILLION DOLLAR GIVEAWAY! Thanks to Mackiee <3)


    xxRatt xxRatt
    #harambae4helper guys

    Harambae srsly needs helper for this

    Thanks for all you do harambaeizsalty
    And remember long live harambae


    Perflexing Perflexing
    IGN: vSam_
    I hope I win... I spent all my 1.2 mil and I need money :rolleyes:

    P.S Good luck to everyone ;)