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  • Addressing the complaints about the update.


    BenGermann BenGermann
    After looking through the forums today I've seen a fair bit of complaints about the update, some justified, some not so justified. I'll be addressing these complaints today. As a side note please keep the drama within this thread to a minimum, don't start drama just for the hell of it.

    First off, the complaints about bugs and glitches. This update has been out for around 24 hours now. Within this time period many complaints about bugs and glitches have come to our attention. I really don't see any problem with these complaints as they help notify us about issues we need to fix faster, but when people rant about "how broken and buggy this server is" or "how incompetent the staff are" is when it becomes a bit much. We get it, bugs and glitches are annoying and aren't fun for anyone, but as I said before this update has been out for only around 24 hours. Bugs and glitches are bound to happen. If it really is bothering you to the point of rage please just take a break for a while. We are trying to fix the issues as soon as we can.

    Secondly, the complaints about the map. The issues with there being no lever for hilltop to get inside (there's actually a second entrance) will be addressed soon. In terms of the other complaints such as the map being too modern or junkyard being to luxurious, all I really can say is give the map a chance. The builders and owners worked incredibly hard on this map so instead of immediately bashing it just give it a shot. If something is really, really wrong with the map then it can be changed, but for now just explore it and check out what it can offer.

    In terms of the complaints with the map not being good for role playing pleas understand that we're trying to please everyone, and since role playing isn't really the main focus of the server you'll have to deal with this map for now.

    I apologize if this information is not what you wanted to hear, but as I said before let's keep the drama to a minimum.


    Firelillx Firelillx
    I personally love the update. Once the bugs are fixed I will be super happy!

    The only thing I think isn't really accurate/up to par is Oceanside. It just doesn't look like the show and isn't the same quality of building as the rest of the server.

    But honestly, that is the smallest thing. I am quite happy with the entire server and it doesn't bother me too much.

    Thanks for updating. It is looking promising, map-wise.