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  • Changes need to happen...


    Jahango Jahango
    Something must be done... Honestly, TMD is such a mess at the moment. Players DO NOT die... When I first joined The Mining Dead and once I got the hang of sniping and landing multiple shots on juggs they would die.. and that's how it should have stayed, A skilled player with a barret should be able to shoot a full jugg down.. I understand you made the Golden barret do 17.5 damage but that doesn't do anything when I can still land over 7 shots in a row on someone and them not die, even 4-5 shots in a row someone should die, and thats me shooting them and not being able to kill them... what about some noob who hits a full jugg 10 full shots in a row with barret and them not dying, what is the noob suppose to do at that point. The server is all based on Katana fights now, which just encourages people to hack even more, I'd rather have the pains that you had click every 1.5 seconds then this crap tanking all day long till jugg breaks or you get 5v1'd. You can't win an outnumber unless you camp now.. which also encourages players to all team up and create these Massive teams to outnumber every war, which makes less players play and less wars and less fights since so many players are teamed together since outnumbering is overpowered, If a sniper gets outnumbered he should be able to pick players off and actually be able to take them down... not just them running straight tanking all the shots while their teammates can easily drop a solo player. Obviously it shouldn't all be about Sniping but it most definitely shouldn't only be Katana fights, but a player should be rewarded with the kill by hitting multiple shots in a row with a sniper, it actually takes skill unlike tanking and just katana'ing, I know 100% the pains and guns are nothing like when I first joined and idk how it can be messed up so much to this point. Just really unmotivated to play this server at this point, it will always be my favorite server but I just don't like what it has turned into. Hopefully something changes.


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    As a fellow sniper, I feel your pain in not being able to kill juggs. I'm always accused of being a camper, but that's kind of what sniping is. You sit on a spot, usually a distance away, out of sight, that way you can get the target by surprise. But a soon as you shoot them, the paining begins. It's such a pain (heh, pun) in the butt to know that sniping is pretty much pointless, and I'm always accused of being a noobish camper.




    egmp1 egmp1
    Yeah, this is why I dont play on PVP because its just so different now.

    I miss the old TMD when it was actually fun.


    New member
    Draw4 Draw4
    Pay to win in my eyes, top ranks always have jugg etc, and spam paintkillers to never die... painkillers should stack to 4 per slot.

    Owners didn’t make server pay-to-win, Owners added multiple different ways to earn ranks without buying them. You can join build competition to win a free rank or crates, or you could play hell night to earn skulls and spend the skulls on crates to open them up on tmd and maybe you can win immortal or infinite money.


    Firelillx Firelillx
    Owners didn’t make server pay-to-win, Owners added multiple different ways to earn ranks without buying them. You can join build competition to win a free rank or crates, or you could play hell night to earn skulls and spend the skulls on crates to open them up on tmd and maybe you can win immortal or infinite money.

    I have mythical and bro, and I'll admit it's pay to win. Sure there are a few limited ways of getting it and other ranks, but if you got the money, you can get the rank. The advantages you get are game changing. Infinite money and Mythical is rare- most people have to PAY to win it. Opening one crate and getting it is possible, but go ask around. Most mythicals bought it.


    New member
    Draw4 Draw4
    I have mythical and bro, and I'll admit it's pay to win. Sure there are a few limited ways of getting it and other ranks, but if you got the money, you can get the rank. The advantages you get are game changing. Infinite money and Mythical is rare- most people have to PAY to win it. Opening one crate and getting it is possible, but go ask around. Most mythicals bought it.

    If you can earn it, then it isn’t pay to win and if someone wants to spend money on the server don’t complain they keep the server up. Also yes there are advantages to having a rank but all ranks on all servers have advantages or perks, it’s so people buy ranks and keep server running. No money no server bud.


    New member
    The Pain spam is not the main problem here. The main problem is the gun damages.
    For example :
    THIS is what happens when an rpg hits you irl
    And this is what happens on TMD :

    Then the most significant is the barret :
    IRL :
    VS TMD :

    In all honesty it's the gun damages that need to be corrected to semi-reaslistic values.
    Make the Reg barret do 17 Damage (almost the gbar damage)
    And the Gbar's Damage should be put at 18.5

    The SMG's Need a hotfix :
    MP5 From 2.5 To 3.0
    UMP-45 From 3.0 to 3.5
    Uzi from 3.5 to 40
    And P90 from 3.5 to 4.0

    Pistols are alright i guess, Tweak them a little bit with +0.5 damage on all models
    RPG's as a said, 1 Direct hit and you are supposed to be dead. This goes for Grenades too, Molotovs should do less damage but higher fire demage.

    These changes along with reducing pain spam from unlimited as it is now to 4 per second would ultimately fix the pvp system and balance it out. Basically Everyone is tired of getting swarmed by full jugg teams of 4-6 people, Lets make the guns compeat a lot more. If the players in jugg are good enough, they'll manage, if they are bad, learn to play with the new (in reality old) system.
    Along with this reduce Ammo/Food/Armor/Pains cost so it favors players who do not have acess to unlimited money. There is no wars with new people anymore because nobody without unlimited can afford to war and lose gear to full juggs mass charging your position. You can have all skill in the world but if people see you and they start rushing towards you and spamming pains, you are dead no matter the hits.


    New member
    They did enough that Matt started playing again your the irrelevant Matt tbh Jahango is the one that matters, that's just the truth.


    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    I will say once I got legend, my k/d started to improve dramatically and I started to become good at tmd. Once I got titan, jugg didn’t seem that rare. I used to have zero sets and no half’s, and now have to much.