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  • Congratulations To HavocMC!


    New member
    As of August 1sy 2016, Havoc MC is the number one server on NAME MC!!!! Congratz to the owners and staff, as for HavocMC is on the leaderboard, above other popular servers, such as Hypixel, Hiplay, and Vortex PVP! Good job you guys, and here is a screenshot to prove it as well!

    Top of the Screen!: http://prntscr.com/c197tt

    Leadboard Top: http://prntscr.com/c19agc

    Leaderboard Bottom: http://prntscr.com/c19as3

    keep it up Havoc!


    New member
    The_HX_Gamer The_HX_Gamer
    That's really great! This server has made it so far since the very beggining! I remember playing when it used to be mc-adventure then I took a bit of a break and came back to an AWESOME new experience on TMD! I love this server and the staff have worked so hard to make this server great :)