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  • Contests, Sale and More!


    Jacobg1998 Jacobg1998

    Lobby Contest Results

    Hello everybody! The Map Maker Lobby Contest has come to a close, and I have to say, there were tons of great submissions! Picking our top eight favorites proved to be difficult, especially deciding among the top three. But without further ado, here are the winners.

    1st Place: TobstarSpawn by Tobstar101 and SadTurtle
    2nd Place: Castle_Baked by BakedAlaska2988
    3rd Place: MMLobbyByMon by MonFierre
    4th Place: RoyalKingdom by Knightas_Playz
    5th Place: Taquito by TaquitoBonito
    6th Place: linklobbyactual by LinkOFeare
    7th Place: LobbyByHobbes3 by xHobbes
    8th Place: MyNewLobby by HighPixeI

    Congratulations to all of the winners (you'll be contacted via private message on the website shortly) and a big thank you goes out to everyone who participated!

    New Map Maker Contest
    I'm glad to announce our newest Map Maker Contest, most detailed builds. This is a very broad topic, so be creative with it! The only rule is that the build must be started after January 21st. The prizes will be as follows:

    1st Place: $100 Shop Voucher
    2nd Place: $50 Shop Voucher
    3rd Place: $25 Shop Voucher
    4th - 8th Place: $10 Shop Voucher

    The Contest will last two weeks, and submissions will be judged on February 5th. Good luck to everyone who enters, and as always, if multiple players work on an entry, the prizes will be split evenly among them.

    Rules Update
    There have been some slight changes made to the rules. Be sure to check them out here so you don't get taken by surprise.

    Top 5 Clips
    We have another exciting announcement for you today! HavocMC will start doing a monthly Top 5 Clips. If you have any awesome video clips on the HavocMC Network, upload them to Youtube and email the link the Jacobg2011@HavocMC.net. Also, be sure the subscribe to our official Youtube Channel here to watch the Top 5 Clips and other update logs.

    Also, there will be prizes for everyone who's clip is included in the form of crates. (More info coming soon)

    Last but not least, tomorrow will be the last day of the Flash Sale. Be sure to head over to the shop before the weekend ends to get everything 35 percent off!

    Thank you all for your continued support of HavocMC, and be sure to stay tuned for more updates!


    New member
    @Jacobg2011 Yall made OP TMD for the community but if that was true, you would fix the numerous glitches. You can't break glass, cars don't spawn and numerous others. Just respond and I'll respect you and the staff 10x more


    _Nickk _Nickk
    @Jacobg2011 Yall made OP TMD for the community but if that was true, you would fix the numerous glitches. You can't break glass, cars don't spawn and numerous others. Just respond and I'll respect you and the staff 10x more
    We fix the glitches reported. Make sure to make a bug report.


    iViper iViper
    If a helper or higher sees this, can you explain the maximal time that it takes for your apply?


    BenGermann BenGermann
    Some1 has read it, and ive send it 20 december, are you going to get a reply even if you are not in and if youre in, what then?
    If we feel that your application is well written and you meet a certain set of criteria we will respond to your application with further instructions. If we deem your application not sufficient or that you're lacking in certain areas we will deny your application with a response saying why it has been denied. If nothing has been posted on your application that means we are still considering it.


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    If we feel that your application is well written and you meet a certain set of criteria we will respond to your application with further instructions. If we deem your application not sufficient or that you're lacking in certain areas we will deny your application with a response saying why it has been denied. If nothing has been posted on your application that means we are still considering it.
    There should be some text at the bottom of applications that says "may take (insert time here) for a reply. Please be patient!"


    iViper iViper
    If we feel that your application is well written and you meet a certain set of criteria we will respond to your application with further instructions. If we deem your application not sufficient or that you're lacking in certain areas we will deny your application with a response saying why it has been denied. If nothing has been posted on your application that means we are still considering it.

    so you can say so far so good? c:? im just joking guys, but mind my timezone in my applicatuon, it could be usefull!


    New member

    Lobby Contest Results

    Hello everybody! The Map Maker Lobby Contest has come to a close, and I have to say, there were tons of great submissions! Picking our top eight favorites proved to be difficult, especially deciding among the top three. But without further ado, here are the winners.

    1st Place: TobstarSpawn by Tobstar101 and SadTurtle
    2nd Place: Castle_Baked by BakedAlaska2988
    3rd Place: MMLobbyByMon by MonFierre
    4th Place: RoyalKingdom by Knightas_Playz
    5th Place: Taquito by TaquitoBonito
    6th Place: linklobbyactual by LinkOFeare
    7th Place: LobbyByHobbes3 by xHobbes
    8th Place: MyNewLobby by HighPixeI

    Congratulations to all of the winners (you'll be contacted via private message on the website shortly) and a big thank you goes out to everyone who participated!

    New Map Maker Contest
    I'm glad to announce our newest Map Maker Contest, most detailed builds. This is a very broad topic, so be creative with it! The only rule is that the build must be started after January 21st. The prizes will be as follows:

    1st Place: $100 Shop Voucher
    2nd Place: $50 Shop Voucher
    3rd Place: $25 Shop Voucher
    4th - 8th Place: $10 Shop Voucher

    The Contest will last two weeks, and submissions will be judged on February 5th. Good luck to everyone who enters, and as always, if multiple players work on an entry, the prizes will be split evenly among them.

    Rules Update
    There have been some slight changes made to the rules. Be sure to check them out here so you don't get taken by surprise.

    Top 5 Clips
    We have another exciting announcement for you today! HavocMC will start doing a monthly Top 5 Clips. If you have any awesome video clips on the HavocMC Network, upload them to Youtube and email the link the Jacobg2011@HavocMC.net. Also, be sure the subscribe to our official Youtube Channel here to watch the Top 5 Clips and other update logs.

    Also, there will be prizes for everyone who's clip is included in the form of crates. (More info coming soon)

    Last but not least, tomorrow will be the last day of the Flash Sale. Be sure to head over to the shop before the weekend ends to get everything 35 percent off!

    Thank you all for your continued support of HavocMC, and be sure to stay tuned for more updates!
    hey how do i get the code????? I never got it ;_; i missed the sale