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  • Control Objective in TMD


    Qizu Qizu
    What if you added like a Koth type event to TMD were you team could hold and objective say the prison or a town and during that time the loot tiers could be improved and like a drop zone type objective to were in 30 mins or so it would be like an area of good loot. Doing this would attract more players and allow pvp players to get some more action and test their skills against others. They can do this because the area would be populated and like every month like a rank ticket could be dropped at the event. Making more people come to the server and the more people you have it domino affects they tell friends and friends tell friends. The more people = $ to so guys please share this so we get more fun and bigger server. Thanks for the time ;D


    New member
    A rank ticket drop would not bring more players to the server, advertising does.

    Secondly, good idea. However, I'd like to elaborate on it. I don't think one area should be used at the objective spot, but I think a pre-made (however randomly placed/generated) spot somewhere on the map would be the objective. This would act as a dropzone, dropping loot, money, etc. The first one there, get's it. However, there are pros and cons.

    Pros: More fair in regards of OP teams.

    Cons: Less teamwork, whoever is closest basically get's it.

    All in all, I don't think this should be added. I think the way TMD is fine the way it is set up right now, however some balancing issues and obviously the new map will help out a lot.


    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    What if custom events made by fans could be created on the forum? As example, inviting players to regroup around a specific area. About me if the goal is to meet people and have a good time, there is no need for a rewards.

    Ex :
    Where : HAVOCMC server TMD-3
    When : 6 May 2017 18h (H-5),
    What : Capture the flag (would be a contest in front of building 200 in Atlanta.)
    Condition : You have until the first of the month to subcribe to one of the two teams who will fight to conquer / defend one of the skyscraper in Atlanta (coord x,yz).

    Inscription fee (may be 0 or very low in in-game money) like 1000$. This community pot could be given as price, to the last 10 players.

    But Since its organized by fans, there would not be consequence if, as exemple someone abuse of others by not lending back their money.

    There could be more than just a Capture the flag as game style... Do you like my idea?


    Snek87 Snek87
    Where : HAVOCMC server TMD-3
    When : 6 May 2017 18h (H-5),
    What : Capture the flag (would be a contest in front of building 200 in Atlanta.)
    Condition : You have until the first of the month to subcribe to one of the two teams who will fight to conquer / defend one of the skyscraper in Atlanta (coord x,yz).

    Inscription fee (may be 0 or very low in in-game money) like 1000$. This community pot could be given as price, to the last 10 players.

    But Since its organized by fans, there would not be consequence if, as exemple someone abuse of others by not lending back their money.

    I support your I deal on this. It would be fun to have custom games implimented to the server.


    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    Thk to both of you for the suggestions!
    I guess, next event should be created in a separated topic :)