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  • Could a new game mode help to bring in more players?

    Do you think a team-based gamemode would be a good idea?

    • Yes

      Votes: 18 78.3%
    • No

      Votes: 5 21.7%

    • Total voters
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    TMD Skirmishes
    With Hell Night practically dead and the majority of gunfights happening in an open world survival map, I believe a team death match type game should be introduced utilizing TMD's resource pack - perhaps the game type could be named "TMD Skirmishes"?

    I've noticed that since Hell Night became exceedingly unpopular and Mine Wars (from what I've seen) fell into obscurity, Havoc has been lacking a high-paced, action-packed game mode. Sure, you could have little wars in the regular TMD servers, but who finds it fun to accumulate so many types of loot and spend half an hour planning a war with another group of players just to be gunned down and respawn with nothing in a totally random place (unless of course you have the privileges of teleportation and good kits)?

    With TMD Skirmishes, it will not only allow players to war with each other without the hassle of losing everything, but it will also let newcomers who don't know the ins and outs of the weapons become familiar with them - without having to search for them in the overly large map.

    Ideas on Gameplay:
    There will be teams of 3-10 players fighting one another. Each player will spawn with certain kits that can be unlocked using skulls, similar to Hell Night. Assault type classes would probably be the top choice of kits, with Snipers being useful in certain open areas of the map. Respawning should be unlimited to keep the fast-pace action going, but certain variations of the game type can have limited lives, such as elimination or objective recovery. Other game modes may include a "scavenger hunt," where the main objective is to collect the most cans of food or supplies and deliver them to your truck or HQ, wherever your team's spawn point is located. The main focus should be adrenaline to keep the players excited and wanting to play more.

    The map should be small scale areas representing locations in the show, ensuring firefights between players while still giving the TWD aesthetics. Med kits, body armor, and better weapons may be scattered throughout the map.

    The Objective
    Without intense, action-packed games such as Hell Night to keep players entertained, new players may simply become bored of the endless roaming that is the regular TMD servers. Players who want to be excited without having to wait long periods of time in between HN sessions can find that with TMD Skirmishes. No more waiting an hour for a Hell Night game to finish (or recently, start) or Star Wars-themed battles, now we can battle for survival under the impression of being part of the TWD universe. Let's face it- Havoc is becoming more and more obscure as the weeks go on, but maybe with the help of a high-octane shooter game mode, YouTubers may find more compelling content for their videos, which may in turn show the Minecraft world that we're still here, hopefully getting the server to new heights of player count and popularity.

    I had this idea for a while now, but after talking with a friend about the server I loved playing on, I feel like I can finally put my idea into words, maybe even making it a reality. Considering that it is almost midnight at the time of posting this, I may have left out key elements that I'm hoping YOU can suggest are needed in the comments, even if they are just minor ideas such as the name of the game or map recreations you'd think would fit this game mode. Thank you, and I hope everyone has a great new year! :D

    Oh, and one last thing! If you're in support of this idea, please use the #TMDSkirmishes in your signatures to promote this, thank you!
    Last edited:


    Captain_Furno Captain_Furno

    This is a fantastic idea! This can actually put a step-froward for the Havoc community as a whole! This would bring a lot of players into more PvP and relatively new players can experiment with different types of weapons that fit them without having to worry about losing those items by dying. Contests (like the one with HN) could also be added as well as events. Skulls would be earned as prizes, but maybe not vary by how many people join? It should be Skulls(x) for participation, Skulls(x) per kill, and Skulls(x) for winning.

    Maybe the devs will focus on this more than Banner Wars?
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    Sounds really good so far! I appreciate your suggestion. We missed you btw. Back in your day, you were a god at Hell Night.
    I don't know about a god, but thank you! I hope more memories like ours of Hell Night can be created for other players through this game mode :)


    KoalaKooki KoalaKooki
    Well there used to be conquest, and I was told that their working on fixing that. But the thing about conquest is that there is only a award in Mine Wars, and there are about five times more people that play mainly on The Mining Dead than on Mine Wars.
    A new game mode would not help havoc at all... Minewars - hardly played, map maker - hardly played, havoc horizons - barely played. The game modes that currently exist are crap, sorry to say, but they are. Not what the server needs, in my opinion.
    Funny? as in funny121. Sorry, a random question. I sort of agree with what you're saying as I think they should just remove the mine wars as it's not played. But I still believe they need to convert hell night to the old small hell night or add a different game mode in its place.


    Captain_Furno Captain_Furno
    A new gamemode would not help havoc at all... Minewars - hardly played, map maker - hardly played, havoc horizons - barely played. The gamemodes that currently exist are crap, sorry to say, but they are. Not what the server needs, in my opinion.

    Okay. That's a pretty reasonable response, but when Hell Night came out, it was a hit until certain things were changed and it fell apart. But considering that most of the players online play for PvP and that this will be a 2 team match, I think It'll be a good addition. In every online shooter game, there is a Team Deathmatch gamemode. I don't see why we shouldn't have one too.

    Just give it a chance... plz?
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    A new gamemode would not help havoc at all... Minewars - hardly played, map maker - hardly played, havoc horizons - barely played. The gamemodes that currently exist are crap, sorry to say, but they are. Not what the server needs, in my opinion.
    I do agree that another useless server isn't needed, but the point of TMD Skirmishes when I thought of it was to bring an almost Call of Duty element, but in a TMD fashion, something YouTubers would find enjoyment creating videos on. With the constant action, people won't be bored of wandering a huge abandoned city mostly filled with forests and empty roads, and map rotation would keep the scenery fresh. I think MineWars went wrong when it tried to go way too big too quickly. They used decently sized (maybe a little too big) maps, but there was little to no cover, so snipers dominated. It got boring with just the one map to play the "Battlefront" game mode on, with not enough players joining to make it feel like a proper Star Wars battle. More space also spread the players out, so a lot of the time I felt like it was more of a 2 on 1 fight, rather than team versus team. If smaller maps with more cover were to be introduced, gun fights would be a little more entertaining, lasting longer and with more emphasis to use cover, not to mention the Builders having an easier task.
    Shredder_Playz Shredder_Playz
    Funny? as in funny121. Sorry, a random question. I sort of agree with what you're saying as I think they should just remove the mine wars as it's not played. But I still believe they need to convert hell night to the old small hell night or add a different game mode in its place.
    Yes Mine Wars is not played as often as TDM ,but want to know why? Every since it came out there have been no updates, well besides a few bug fixes, but if mine wars got some love and attention and a big update I think a lot of players would start to play Mine Wars again... this is just my opinion because, I started playing this server because of Mine Wars.


    MrMcMemeMan MrMcMemeMan
    Hell YEAH DUDE!
    Sorry, anyway, TMD and Havoc deserve this game mode, and honestly, I bet it could revive a slowly decaying server.