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  • Dead Server

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    Captain_Furno Captain_Furno
    @Dragonicks : Creating rant posts since 2017

    In all seriousness... didn't you create a "Quitting" post in September last year? Like... were you keeping your promise? Because you would think that you would actually quit by now with all these rants and all...

    I didn’t ask for salty kids to reply

    What you were really asking for was a discussion like "this" to happen. Don't think you can make a post like this and not expect any response. Seriously, that's stupid (not saying you are stupid, just the post was).

    Here's a question for everyone that claims this server to be "dead" even with evidence proving otherwise, Why do you care? If it is "dead" let it die. You're acting like an ex who can't let go of the past.

    Not only was Kyritic's post legit badass, but it was also very true. I never thought I'd be saying this, but if you aren't happy with the server, then you should just quit the server like your post last year stated. Obviously, you're irritated. We are too, just for a different cause. I'm sure it would do us both a favor if you just left to save you the struggle and irritation and save the others the time and patience.

    I'm not saying, "Go jump off a bridge." To me, "all life is precious" - Morgan Jones. I'm trying to help you because your annoyed and angry. And anger and stress can hurt you and if it gets too extreme, it can kill you.

    So, I think we need to end this discussion one way or another and it has to happen now.


    Slimme Slimme
    I'm only active on the forums mate. I don't play the server itself anymore. If I did I would still be the best.


    Slimme Slimme
    Kyritic, May I ask you and michaelsteve go else where? Your ego is higher then mine acting like you're the top **** with Builder role. Don't feel special, I was builder before I left TMD too. :)


    Slimme Slimme
    I already quit, just active on the forums because I sometimes don't have anything better to do.


    Kyritic Kyritic
    Kyritic, May I ask you and michaelsteve go else where? Your ego is higher then mine acting like you're the top **** with Builder role. Don't feel special, I was builder before I left TMD too. :)
    No. Im staying. You're more than welcome to leave. Having self confidence and having a unnecessary large ego are two differing things. You can usually tell them apart from "I'd be the best" being quite self centered. I actually play on the server, Im actually quite active, I know what is considered a dead server and this isn't one of them. You said yourself you quit, From what I see I have more of a valid argument.
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    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    Kyritic, May I ask you and michaelsteve go else where? Your ego is higher then mine acting like you're the top **** with Builder role. Don't feel special, I was builder before I left TMD too. :)
    When do we act like we are at the top?


    Slimme Slimme
    I'd like to take one second out and say how kyritic, michaelsteve, and cat all hop on someones *** if they talk about the server. It's quite sad, deep down you know the server is dead/dying even more. When I was most active on the server it had roughly 1,000 players.
    I love you MichaelSteve, Kyritic, and Cat. I truly love your feedback. <3 Couldn't ask for better people.


    MichaelSteve MichaelSteve
    all hop on someones *** if they talk about the server. It's quite sad, deep down you know the server is dead/dying even more. When
    Buddy, it’s not the player count, it’s your toxic, rude, and unhelpful posts you post on these forums. :)


    Kyritic Kyritic
    I'd like to take one second out and say how kyritic, michaelsteve, and cat all hop on someones *** if they talk about the server. It's quite sad, deep down you know the server is dead/dying even more. When I was most active on the server it had roughly 1,000 players.
    I love you MichaelSteve, Kyritic, and Cat. I truly love your feedback. <3 Couldn't ask for better people.
    I have tried being patient but Jesus do you ever shut the **** up? Honestly I can't tell if you're blinded by your idiotic behaviour or if you're ego is that fragile you simply cannot turn around and understand where were coming from, you don't even have to agree with us! Listen man we get one of the posts everyweek, You're obviously disappointed by what you deem to be a dead server. So either become the change you want see or stop, find something else to do.


    Slimme Slimme
    I'm sure enough I learned how to read in grade school, if you want attention don't keep reposting the same message. It gets annoying bud.
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