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  • Developer questions

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    New member
    I wanted to know how you guys made the katana and all the guns to be unbreakable, I tried doing this in numerous ways, I tried adding the unbreakable tag, couldn't I added unbreaking 10k doesn't make a difference, I tried changing config configurations, still doesn't work. can you please help me?


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    I wanted to know how you guys made the katana and all the guns to be unbreakable, I tried doing this in numerous ways, I tried adding the unbreakable tag, couldn't I added unbreaking 10k doesn't make a difference, I tried changing config configurations, still doesn't work. can you please help me?
    Well, the Katanas are rosebushes, so there's no damage there, and the guns differ in their items (tier 5s are music discs). Anyway, concerning damage, if you've tested the resource pack in singleplayer, you would see that the guns are actually damaged. Weird, right? The skins and types of guns depend on the item's durability. So, they're kinda frozen at that percentage of dura..


    New member
    And how did you guys make the katana the rosebush? the id is 175:4 I try that but it doesn't work, I try the minecraft:double_bush doesn't work, please help meh :D


    New member
    but I can't seem to make the id of the rose bush work so I can get the katana, since it is textured, so there for Idk how to change the melee weapon to a rose_bush as it it retextured to the katana


    New member
    Andycool Andycool
    If you wanted something simple, you could put sharpness on a textured stick or something.
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