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  • Ezpz way to open all vote links at once


    GamerLizzy GamerLizzy
    YOOO, so, I'm so smart and figured out way to open all the vote links at once ezpz on Windows 10, if you have a mac idek how to do that, so basically open up notepad, and type the following in the notepad:

    @Echo off

    start chrome "https://topg.org/Minecraft/in-406145"
    start chrome "https://topminecraftservers.org/vote/9146"
    start chrome "https://minecraft-server-list.com/server/246545/vote/"
    start chrome "https://minecraft-mp.com/server/53783/vote/"
    start chrome "https://minecraftservers.org/vote/501974"

    If you don't use chrome, you can replace chrome with firefox or whatever browser you use and it should still work. Now, you save the file type as All Files, (It's the little drop down box thingy right under where you name it) Then, you name it "TMD Vote.bat" Then, when ever you run it (all you have to do is double tap it), it should open your browser with every vote link ready. This should make it faster to get your votes done!


    Sr Builder
    DerKaempfer_HD DerKaempfer_HD
    well i normally just have them safed as favorites or instant open them when starting certain browser.