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  • FN-Scar (G36C) should be debuffed, or removed


    New member
    Now a days there are a lot of people creating drama conversation/argument over scars because the scars are just way to powerful you can easily kill a half with one and I figured it should be debuffed to 0.5 or 1 dmg per bullet or just remove the gun in general from the game, and come up with a new Assault Rifle that doesn't deal a lot of damage as a tier 3 and almost all players noticed this that the Tier 3 Assault Rifle is stronger than the Tier 4 Assault Rifle, which is weird because usually in some GTA servers Tier 1 is the worst tier, and Tier 4 is stronger than each, well the fact that the Scar shoots faster, does more damage when it does and also is also capable of holding 40 bullets, as where the AK-47 is just alone in that Tier 4 slot, A lot of scar spammers would cry if it got removed but hey it makes it better for everyone


    Cat_Squirrel_Inc Cat_Squirrel_Inc
    A lot of scar spammers would cry if it got removed but hey it makes it better for everyone
    Just nit-picking... technically you just contradicted yourself here...

    Anyhoo. I think Scars are fine. They run out of bullets so quick, and I've never killed a full riot in one, even when I was constantly pelting them with bullets. Scars are easy to pain against, as well. Besides, it's a good dps gun. Perfect for interesting combos!


    New member
    Now a days there are a lot of people creating drama conversation/argument over scars because the scars are just way to powerful you can easily kill a half with one and I figured it should be debuffed to 0.5 or 1 dmg per bullet or just remove the gun in general from the game, and come up with a new Assault Rifle that doesn't deal a lot of damage as a tier 3 and almost all players noticed this that the Tier 3 Assault Rifle is stronger than the Tier 4 Assault Rifle, which is weird because usually in some GTA servers Tier 1 is the worst tier, and Tier 4 is stronger than each, well the fact that the Scar shoots faster, does more damage when it does and also is also capable of holding 40 bullets, as where the AK-47 is just alone in that Tier 4 slot, A lot of scar spammers would cry if it got removed but hey it makes it better for everyone
    The Ak-47 does the same damage and shoots faster. ( Please do research next time ) Or maybe you just hold down the Ak, your supposed to jitter or butterfly click it.