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  • Glitches on Forum pages? (Suggestions/Comments)


    Hey, some of the forums pages are mess up for me personally (haven't asked anyone else honestly, so decided to here) even though I mostly view website from a mobile device via iPhone. Some of the main ones I have noticed include:

    • Rules - As I look at the rules, some of the descriptions aren't as clear or otherwise include errors such as typing or incomplete sentences. (Can't provide images from mobile at this time)
    • Stats - Each Hellnight and The Mining Dead's stats pages don't properly show full page on screen for some reason. Part of the first half will be normal and the other would stick off screen into area that isn't visible, leaving me wondering what is there?
    • Bugs or Glitches - Searching through the forums I have yet to see a clear and defined forums page specifically for bugs or glitches! I didn't notice a player report one either but I'll keep looking as I am only a new member. So therefore I'll have these questions and comments like every other person :)
    • Support Tickets - Staff tell us to use /report as an in-game command when we find issues or feel a player is abusing/not following rules. Well from this it's unstated for a new player or someone who doesn't fully know what to do or how to locate the website after clicking a weblink the command sends you. I feel it should Better be posted in a brief description from an email after signing up to the forums on HavocMC's website. If not, the best way to get our focus is to include it in any pop-up message when you log into one of the servers. Just like the Message Of The Day (MOTD).
    I hope this helps with anything someone else is having trouble with while navigating the forums pages. Yet some of these issues might have already been stated I'm still new to forums and would love help locating them myself or fixing them with my suggestions, Thanks for the help and comments! :D


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