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  • Hello Hello!


    New member
    mrsteve_0914 mrsteve_0914
    Yo guys i'm Stevie-aka mrsteve_0914-it may be a supprise to many but I am not new at all. I just haven't done anything much on the forums here. I have been around the server ever since 1.7 and that's a very long time, I amaze myself sometimes on how long I have been in a community. I normally get on TMD-3, or TMD-4 so if you wanna meet me or trade with me come on in to one of those two servers I normally get on around 5:00pm (my time.) I am also on at around 6:20am (again my time) so stop by say "hello" some time. Welp that's some 'bout me see y'all later!
    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    Hey, welcome to the forums! Seeing as how you've been here since 1.7 (wow), I don't think you need much answered. However, if there is by chance you have a question or need something when none of the great staff members are on when I am, feel free to come to me! :D


    New member
    mrsteve_0914 mrsteve_0914
    OH! Btw I am selling/trading legendary weaps so whenever i get on later today, I can sell/trade stuff with you (I started back up about two weeks ago already has 3 of all legendary weaps. ;-; and almost two sets of jugg.)


    Katitude Katitude
    Hello Stevie and welcome to HavocMC as well as the forums, even though you've been on the server a while. :p If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to message me privately either on the forums or in game. :)