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  • How realistic really is tmd?


    Montu151 Montu151
    This was not meant to be rude to the server or anything, I just wanted to show that tmd-1 "realistic" update wasn't that realistic as a joke :)

    1. Gun spawn rate- If you were a survivor in TWD, you would not be finding military grade guns whenever you go looting. All those places would most likely be looted long ago. You just don't find LMG clips in offices and barrets in prisons. Besides that, most people still wouldn't have remingtons fully loaded in their house waiting for whoever wanted them

    2. Ammo spawn rate- Finding 6 full assault rifle clips in a bag is highly unrealistic. First, who caries around 6 fully loaded clips? Second, at least some bullets would have fallen out in battles or used by the previous owner to fight people, if you know what I mean. And you wouldn't be finding fully loaded guns either

    3. Painkiller/medpacks- Don't get me wrong. I love spamming pains in tmdo. But the tmd-1 nerf wasn't that realistic. If you have ever seen a .50 cal bullet, chugging some pains would not save you. You would need immediate surgery or you would most likely die. And that's if your lucky. A clip of m9 ammo irl would kill anyone ezpz.

    4.Cars missing parts- I understand how you may need to change tires, but why would hilltop have cars with no battery, engine, or tires? I find this odd, as in TWD ricks group finds cars, adds gas, and drives away.

    5. Lack of guns- There really isn't that many guns in TMD. It the season finale many guns were used that weren't in the game. I know it takes work to add them in, but we haven't had any new ones for a while that serve a good use. So maybe in the future add more? Idk

    6. Melee swing speed- This doesn't need much explanation. No one should be able to swing a katana that fast.

    I know this is just a game, and this was only made to be token as a joke.


    Al_Cool Al_Cool
    I totally agree with both of you guys :). Who know, once the update would be completed, we might be able to have participation on that kind of subject for a futur update.


    QueenMunchii QueenMunchii
    Well, It is Just a Game (i saw where you said that comment was just a joke) but, the spawn rate is for the players, so we can continue playing without getting horribly low on ammo, or weapons. also food. but it is just a game, the staff do try there hardest to make the game realistic as possible, so that the players can have an enjoyable time whilst playing TMD.


    if the server was more realistic, there will be even less players active on the server.
    Also, more vets and other players will definitely quit...


    seuboi seuboi
    I think the server falls between the two of them:

    The non-realistic side (PVP servers)
    - Inhuman pvps with lots of painkillers, sprint jumping after taking a full barret headshot
    - Getting obliterated for taking 2 spas pellots, not even in point blank range
    - Finding all of those stuff you said before

    The realistic side (non-pvp servers)
    - Actually worring about water and food while away from a safezone
    - Planing your journey, from the items you are taking with and what are you going to scavenge
    - Rationing your supplies

    I think both of those cant coexist without interfering in the fun of each other, if we would try to merge the pvp madness with the realistic side (more of a The Walking Dead novels) we would need a whole different set of rules and approaches, for example:

    Murdering a common player (non involved in factions or stuff like that) would have some serious consequences, like not being allowed inside some safezones or even trading with some npcs. Eventually, a murderer would not even being able to distinct between a walker and a player, since everything is a threat for his own survivability.


    Cactiee Cactiee
    Another thing is katana should be 2 hand weapon the real japanese warriors/ninja holds 2 hands for katana same as michonne