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    _Tachi_ _Tachi_
    XD are you gonna test remington vs jugg any time soon fam?
    Yes, i will, i just have things going on IRL, and my parents have this thing now where i have to ask them to put the password in MY computer so i can play.... test it by yourself if you want tho


    MemenTheMeme MemenTheMeme
    Yes, i will, i just have things going on IRL, and my parents have this thing now where i have to ask them to put the password in MY computer so i can play.... test it by yourself if you want tho
    XD ok, anyone have a spare set of full jugg that I can shoot? Ill return the jugg, Im just testing how certain guns do against jugg.


    qwef qwef
    Wikipedia is not a good source for information. So I can't really take anyone seriously when they put Wikipedia as a credible source lol


    BenSmart112 BenSmart112
    I guess i have no life then
    There was a long period of time where all I could think about was Havoc. I find that if you let yourself get closer to your friends, start doing more with them and interact with them in new ways, like playing cards every day instead of just talking and exchanging jokes, it strengthens your relationship with them and gets your mind off Havoc and videogames in general.


    New member
    Phenixtri Phenixtri
    the weapons have always had issues in TMD and they have been getting better incrementally over time .... hell does anyone remember the old weapon models before the ADS update? they were horrid in every sense of the word ... at least the new guns actually somewhat look like real guns now granted most of the models are based on guns that were never in the show and the ammo counts are generic cut and paste crap that makes no sense.

    The Winchester used to be single shot like a musket but they recently and quietly bumped that up to 3 rounds which is nice and as a result said sniper rifle is now a bit more practical and useful when nothing else better is available.

    Another example of this is the tier 1 Beretta having 12 round mags that should be 15 or the tier 4 P-90 having 30 instead of 50, or again the tier 2 UMP-45 having 30 rounds instead of 25 so basically 5 extra magic bullets it seems >_>

    I know its kinda ****ty right now but it is always getting better so please be patient as the devs are still working on this game / mod primarily as a side hobby so lets cut them some slack.

    All we can do is write """" well thought out, planned, and rational""" arguments for the features we would like to see in game.

    For example my post on revamping the weapons to make them more lore friendly to the show as well as better balanced for PVP combat

    The list I provided there is an example of what im talking about as """I listed as many details as possible to validate the changes""" I was proposing.

    Also im pretty sure no one here wants to deal with any more of the immature "add nue gunz plz" crap >_> a rational well thought out debate is what we need more of in this forum to help rejuvenate the communities as well as public interest in the mod.

    Firearms Rebalance? yet another poll for another idea of mine :p