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  • Invisable Players Glitch

    Tactical_Fox48 Tactical_Fox48
    I was just playing on TMD-1 today, and I had just killed someone. 5 minutes later the same person comes back and kills me, only this time invisible. I asked a Helper about it, and apparently there's a glitch with the motorcycles that's causing it. Be careful out there, I created this thread as a heads-up, hopefully it's fixed on Friday.


    purrr purrr
    I was just playing on TMD-1 today, and I had just killed someone. 5 minutes later the same person comes back and kills me, only this time invisible. I asked a Helper about it, and apparently there's a glitch with the motorcycles that's causing it. Be careful out there, I created this thread as a heads-up, hopefully it's fixed on Friday.
    I got killed in fulljugg because of it and I am still reeling